Reporters reported that on June 26, 65, Col. Krishna Pattanacharoen, deputy spokesman for the Royal Thai Police. Clarification of progress in the event of a fire in a commercial building in the area of Sampeng Market “Fire Sampeng” The incident happened around 11:25 p.m.“Chakrawat Police Station Radio Center” was informed that there was“fire” Commercial building area next to Ratchawong Road Chakkrawat Samphan Wong Bangkok or near“Sampeng Market” spread to more than 6 booths
Then firefighters and rescue volunteers came to help the people. and rushed to extinguish the fire until regarding 15.00 hrs. so the fire was under control. from this incident11 people were injured, 2 died. Currently, investigators have interviewed more than 10 witnesses who witnessed the incident.
In terms of the cause“Fire Sampeng” Still haven’t ruled out any issues. due to having to inspect the scene thoroughly before“Office of Public Works and Town Planning” will inspect the structure of the building that it is still strong and safe to enter the duty of the officer or not Then the investigators and probation officers will join together to examine the scene in detail to be accompanied by the evidence obtained from the investigation and continue to find out the real cause of the fire
by Pol Gen Suwat Chaengyodsuk, National Police Commissioner Have concern for the people who have been affected by the incident. has ordered the police in the relevant part to provide convenience to people who are closely affected And please continue to listen to news and progress from relevant government agencies.
Deputy spokesman for the Royal Thai Police added: National Police Commissioner Thank you to the staff from every unit of action. especially the firefighters and rescue volunteers including volunteer staff from various units who intends to perform the duties with the best of his ability and would like to be encouraged to continue performing duties In addition, if people need help or report an emergency can inform Call Center of the Royal Thai Police No. 191 and 1599 can24 hours a day