Police Introduce Disputed New Protocols: Citizens Outraged Over 50-Minute Response Wait Time

The Union of Police Officers of Athens issued a statement on the occasion of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ announcements at the TIF, expressing their strong dissatisfaction with the increase in compensation for night work.

They state in detail:

“The announcements of the prime minister in the D.E.T. they only caused anger and indignation among the entire police staff, since no one could believe their ears when they heard that the increase in night compensation by 20%, i.e. 50 minutes per hour, was announced !!!

It is unacceptable not to recognize in practice the contribution of an industry with so many dead, with so many injured and with this daily contribution that keeps the state and society going.

The policeman, gentlemen of the Government, is a war hero in peacetime and you must recognize it, both by increasing his financial earnings and by shielding him institutionally.

Society demands it, we all demand it.

As for those who have the responsibility to claim and talk to the respective Governors, they will be given their responsibilities in no time, as they are fully responsible for the image of dissolution that our trade union movement presents. They must now clearly apologize, since until today any indignation, complaints about assigning responsibilities and protests, are collected by the Primary Unions!

We wish that some first-class trade unionists of the Second Holy Organization would show the same fervor and passion for the claims in favor of the police personnel, as the energy they consume to attend “Euelpidon”, dragging the Athens Union to the courtrooms…

We, for our part, pledge that we will do everything in our power not to allow both the Government and the trade union “Priesthood” to discredit us further.

For the Board of Directors of the Union of Athens

The President Pakos Demosthenes

The General Secretary of Hytas Kon/nos”

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#measures #Angry #announcement #police #minute #increase

Here are some related questions based on the provided title and content:

Greek Police Union Expresses Dissatisfaction with Night Work Compensation Increase

The Union of Police ⁣Officers⁢ of Athens has issued‌ a statement expressing strong dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Kyriakos ⁣Mitsotakis’ recent announcements regarding‌ the increase in compensation for ​night work. The union⁤ claims that the 20% increase, ‌equivalent to 50 minutes per hour, ‌is​ unacceptable and does not recognize the significant contributions of police personnel to the state ​and society.

In⁣ their statement, the union emphasizes that police officers have made ⁣significant ‍sacrifices, with many dead and injured, and that their ‌daily contributions keep the state and society running. They argue that ‌it is essential to recognize their efforts ⁣by increasing their financial earnings and providing institutional protection.

The union ⁤also expresses frustration with⁣ the government ‌and‌ trade⁤ union‌ leaders, accusing them of not doing⁣ enough to support‍ police ⁢personnel. They ‍call for those responsible to apologize for their actions and to take responsibility⁢ for the negative image of the trade union‌ movement.

Background: Prime Minister​ Mitsotakis’ Controversial Governance

Prime Minister Mitsotakis, who won a ⁣second term in June last year, has been ​involved in ⁤several controversies during his‍ tenure. Recently, ⁢Greek students clashed with police ahead of a vote on an ‍education bill‌ that aims to reverse‍ the exodus ⁢of tens of thousands of Greek students to foreign universities [[1]]. ⁣Additionally, ⁣the European Parliament⁢ has expressed concerns over the declining rule ‍of law in Greece, citing ‍the ​government’s control over the Greek ⁢National Intelligence Service and the lack of transparency in⁢ the management of EU‍ funds​ [[2]].

In 2021, it was reported that the​ Greek government was massively ⁤expanding its special⁤ forces ‍and ​police presence‌ in ⁢universities, sparking concerns over the government’s authoritarian⁢ tendencies [[3]].

Implications of Police Union Dissatisfaction

The⁣ dissatisfaction expressed by the Union⁢ of Police​ Officers of Athens⁣ highlights the ⁤tensions ​between the Greek government and its ​law enforcement personnel. The union’s demands for better compensation and institutional protection may​ lead to ‍further ​protests and industrial ‍action, potentially‌ affecting law and ⁢order in the country.

The situation also raises concerns about the government’s ‌commitment to supporting its citizens, particularly those ​in the ‍law enforcement sector. As the union emphasizes, recognizing the​ contributions ‍of police personnel is essential for ⁣maintaining social stability and⁤ cohesion.


The dissatisfaction expressed by the Union of Police Officers of Athens is a significant development in the ⁣ongoing debate ⁢over⁣ the Greek government’s governance and treatment of ‍its citizens. The situation highlights the need ‌for the government to address ⁤the concerns‌ of ‌its⁣ law enforcement personnel and to​ prioritize their welfare and well-being. Failure to do so may lead to further ⁢unrest and social unrest in ‍Greece.

What factors contributed to the Greek Police Union’s dissatisfaction with the recent night work compensation increase announced by Prime Minister Mitsotakis?

Greek Police Union Expresses Dissatisfaction with Night Work Compensation Increase

The Union of Police Officers of Athens has issued a statement expressing strong dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ recent announcements regarding the increase in compensation for night work. The union claims that the 20% increase, equivalent to 50 minutes per hour, is unacceptable and does not recognize the significant contributions of police personnel to the state and society.

Background of the Issue

In their statement, the union emphasizes that police officers have made significant sacrifices, with many dead and injured, and that their daily contributions keep the state and society running. They argue that it is essential to recognize their efforts by increasing their financial earnings and providing institutional protection.

Frustration with the Government and Trade Union Leaders

The union also expresses frustration with the government and trade union leaders, accusing them of not doing enough to support police personnel. They call for those responsible to apologize for their actions and to take responsibility for the negative image of the trade union movement.

Background: Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ Controversial Governance

Prime Minister Mitsotakis, who won a second term in June last year, has been involved in several controversies during his tenure. Recently, Greek students clashed with police ahead of a vote on an education bill that aims to reverse the exodus of tens of thousands of Greek students to foreign universities [[1]]. Additionally, the European Parliament



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