Police-Brimob Allegedly Clash in Tual City, Maluku – 2024-08-01 08:07:01

Police-Brimob Allegedly Clash in Tual City, Maluku
 – 2024-08-01 08:07:01
Illustration of the scene of the clash (Doc. Antara)

MEMBERS of the Tual City Police and Brimob BKO Regiment Pas 4 Pelopor Polda Maluku allegedly clashed on Jalan Raya Kota Tual. The incident occurred on Sunday night, July 28, 2024.

Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Senior Commissioner Aries Aminullah, said the clash started with an argument during a motor vehicle inspection by members of the Tual Police Traffic Police on Saturday, July 27, 2024. However, the police are said to still be investigating the problem.

“For the time being, a team from the Maluku Regional Police from the Mobile Brigade Unit has gone there to clarify and investigate this problem, why the problem occurred and what the motive was,” said Aries when confirmed, Monday, July 29, 2024.

Aries said the information he received was still unclear. Therefore, the Brimob Unit went directly to investigate the clash.

“What happened, whether it was between members or between members of the community, we don’t know yet,” he said.

Including investigating the alleged gunshots. The investigation into the alleged gunshots was also said to have been investigated by the National Police Headquarters team directly to the scene of the crime (TKP).

“Well, this is being investigated by the team, the team is not alone, the team also came from Jakarta. Well, later we will convey the results. So the team went to the crime scene to investigate, the results we will convey later,” he said.


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