Polaschek wants new special support classes | Nachrichten.at

These preparatory classes should last half a year or a year and be organized along the lines of preschool, so PolaschekThe focus should be on learning the language.

The ministry is currently working on the necessary curriculum changes. “The idea that children come into school classes and learn German through play with other children because of the ‘language bath’ does not work if the majority of the children do not speak any German,” said Polaschek. A special offer is therefore needed for these children. This must include more than, for example, the “orientation classes” introduced in Vienna, in which children who are not yet ready for school are prepared for regular classes for up to two months. This will also require legal adjustments. “But that is primarily a matter for the next legislative period.”

“Not just learning a little German”

In the special German classes, the focus should be entirely on the motto “learning German”, so PolaschekUnlike the current German support classes, where the children are assigned to a regular class with which they also spend time in subjects such as arts and crafts, music or gymnastics, a transfer to the regular school system should only be possible after completing the special class. “That would be much smarter than what some people imagine: namely that they learn a bit of German and then they will be able to speak it at some point.” Otherwise, the children would have to carry the resulting need to catch up throughout their entire school career.

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According to the opinion, Polascheks in the next legislative period, the all-day schools. One problem, however, is that the planned new employment law for educational support staff has not yet been implemented. Negotiations with the GPA about the inclusion of leisure educators have failed for the time being. “If we had succeeded in integrating leisure education and creating a new working model, we would have more options.” Then, for example, more voluntary care options could be offered in the afternoon, which would not incur any costs.

In addition to the leisure educators, this new employment law would also apply to other support staff such as psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, etc. Negotiations with the union have not yet been concluded due to differing ideas on salary and qualifications. “As far as I understand, this would have been resolved – we were already very far along in this regard.”

He would also like to implement his plans himself. “If the conditions are right, I would be happy to serve as minister again,” said PolaschekHe made a conscious decision not to run for the National Council. “I came into the government as a non-partisan expert. I don’t see myself as a parliamentarian, but rather come from education management.” However, he would not accept a government office in a coalition with the FPÖ. “The FPÖ is not a partner for me, even beyond Herbert Kickl.”

For NEOS education spokesperson Martina Künsberg Sarre are the demands Polascheks “five minutes before the end of the shift” was dispensable. After all, he could have implemented this for years. For real reforms in the education system, Polaschek but “lacked courage and energy”. “We cannot afford another five years of stagnation in the education sector,” said Künsberg Sarre.

The FPÖ also sees this as a “placebo announcement” and “hypocritical awareness of the problem” shortly before the election. The ÖVP “together with the green-red-pink rest of the unity party allowed illegal mass immigration, including family reunification,” criticized the Freedom Party’s education spokesman. Hermann BrücklInstead of “ÖVP PR bubbles”, the “problem must be tackled at its root”, explained Brückl.



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