Poland, France and Germany join forces against Russian disinformation 2024-02-11 16:13:35

© European Union

Analena Berbok and Stéphane Sejourn with Dutch and Spanish Foreign Ministers Hanke Slot and José Manuel Alvarez Bueno during the EU Foreign Affairs Council on 21 January 2024.

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New cooperation once morest Russian disinformation operations will be presented at Monday’s (12 February) meeting of the Weimar Triangle countries of Poland, France and Germany, Polish public radio Polskie Radio reported, citing French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourn.

In an interview with Ouest-France daily, Poland’s Gazeta Wyborcza and Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published on Saturday 10 February, Séjourn explained how France, Germany and Poland had become “victims of the same destabilizing strategy” and therefore on Monday (February 12 ) the three countries will announce “new cooperation once morest disinformation and Russian information attacks”.

“Four months before European elections in June 2024, Séjourn is alarmed by the rise of nationalists, which he says creates the risk of a ‘universal Brexit,'” Ouest-France reports.

A number of studies on the factors that led to the UK’s exit from the European Union shed light on the nature and impact of the disinformation campaigns carried out before and during the Brexit referendum, suggesting that their impact on public attitudes should not be underestimated. underestimates.

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In a February 2019 report, the Parliamentary Research Service of the European Parliament, for example, highlighted the visibility of disinformation as a tool to undermine democracies, recognized as a global challenge during the referendum. It notes that the use of this tool for this purpose has increased “in the context of Russian hybrid warfare once morest Ukraine.”

Last week, the French foreign ministry summoned the Russian ambassador to Paris, Alexei Meshkov, over growing Russian disinformation once morest France, which has been rocked by farm protests in recent weeks.

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“We will transparently expose to the public the tools of this disinformation. We will expose and support with evidence the attacks that are being carried out,” Sejourn said

He also added that all EU countries are targets of Russian disinformation, which aims to destabilize and divide public opinion among the bloc’s member states.

On Monday, the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry, Radoslaw Sikorski, traveled to Paris together with Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Sikorsky is expected to meet with his French and German counterparts Stephane Sejourn and Analena Berbock to discuss increased support for Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East.

In the summer of 1991, the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Poland at that time – Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Roland Dumas and Krzysztof Skubiszewski – met in Weimar – and started the so-called Weimar Triangle. In a ten-point declaration, which the three signed, their common vision of the responsibility of these countries for the common European future is laid out.

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In late January, the Institute for Innovative Management, with the support of the Black Sea Trust Fund of the US German Marshall Fund (GMF), published a report titled “Uncovering Russian Influence in Europe: Insights from Germany, France, Italy, and Ukraine.”

The main thesis on which the research is developed is that the carefully calculated use of propaganda was a central element in the Russian preparatory strategy implemented immediately before the invasion of Ukraine. The report’s analysis of this strategy focuses on how Russia has created and promoted stories (narratives) that justify and set the stage for its actions in Ukraine.

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The study dissects the Kremlin’s propaganda machine used to exert significant influence over these four societies by deploying extensive disinformation campaigns designed to intensify polarization and undermine democratic discourse – a constant feature of Moscow’s propaganda strategy. It is concluded that what distinguishes Russian actions is their effective adaptation to the unique situations in these countries:

The Kremlin has strategically used the specific public contexts in Germany, France, Italy and Ukraine to maximize the impact of its narratives, demonstrating a deliberate and targeted approach to achieving its political goals.

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