Poland bans entry of Russian cars

2023-09-16 19:38:00

Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski announced this on Saturday, as the PAP news agency reported. Such a restriction already applied to trucks.

Poland is the last EU country that borders directly on Russia, following the example of the three Baltic republics and Finland, which have already banned entry for cars with Russian registration.

The ban comes into force from midnight and applies to all cars without exception, Kaminski specified. It does not matter whether the vehicles are used privately or for business. It also makes no difference what nationality the owners or passengers of the cars have. “The rule is: a car registered in Russia has no right to enter Poland,” PAP quoted the minister as saying. The Russian exclave of Kaliningrad borders Poland.

Justifying the measure, Kaminski said it was “another element of sanctions against Russia and the residents of the country that is waging a brutal war against Ukraine.” The Russian state poses a threat to international security.


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