POL-HK: Weekend report from PI Heidekreis for the weekend October 18th – 20th, 2024

Police Report Highlights: The Chronicles of Misfortune!

October 20, 2024 – 15:47

Heidekreis Police Station

PI Heidekreis (ots)

Welcome, dear readers, to the “Heidekreis Chronicles,” where the stories are as wild as a weekend in Vegas—minus the glitz but certainly with the same level of questionable decision-making. Let’s take a deep dive into the latest escapades that’s left our police scratching their heads and reaching for their notepads.

Lost and Found: VW Edition

First up, we’ve got a classic caper: a VW Multivan has gone missing from Gallhorner Flatt Street in Schneverdingen. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Who would steal a Multivan?” It’s like robbing a bank and only taking the pens! But hey, thieves have their own taste, clearly. The police are on the lookout, urging anyone with tips to call 05193-982500. Even if your only tip is to let the car thief know they’re cruising in a glorified toaster, they might appreciate it.

The Great Escape: Live Edition

Moving on to Friday’s thrilling police chase, we had a driver who clearly took ‘escape room’ challenges a bit too seriously. After refusing to stop, the individual reportedly caused an accident and fancied a run through the countryside. Must’ve thought he was auditioning for “Fast and Furious: Schneider Edition.” Unfortunately for him, the authorities are not as amused and he’ll be facing charges for, among other things, taking part in a motor vehicle race. Spoiler alert: he’s not getting a trophy.

Biking Under the Influence: A Classic

Now for our next contestant in the “Driving Under the Influence Olympics,” we have a 61-year-old cyclist who decided that traffic rules were mere suggestions. His bike skills were nothing short of impressive… until they weren’t! The police arrived to find him sprawled on the ground after enjoying a bit too much of the “grape juice,” blowing over 1.3 per mille. Just a friendly reminder, folks: it’s called a bicycle, not a “drink-o-cycle”!

Hit and Run: The Disappearing Driver!

In a plot twist worthy of an award-winning screenplay, we had another accident involving a car that was more damaged than the driver’s decision-making skills. The authorities, aided by a police helicopter (yes, you heard that right—nothing says “real life car chase” like a chopper swooping in), tracked down an 18-year-old from North Rhine-Westphalia. Turns out, he was playing another round of “how to avoid consequences” while blowing a cool 0.53 per mille. Next time perhaps, young man, just Uber it!

Con Artists on Patrol!

The plot thickens! On Saturday evening, a truck driver fell victim to some faux police officers who clearly took their cues from B-list crime movies. They checked him out, took his cash, and waltzed on like they owned the place. Bad Fallingbostel police are seeking tips on this case, which should have readers performing their best “who would fall for that?” face. It’s a shame that you can’t get a refund peddling wie dollars for knowledge!

Park & Smash: The Art of Bad Parking

Lastly, we had a lovely mishap on Benzer Straße. A driver trying to parallel park gave a new meaning to “smash and grab.” First, a car, then a streetlamp! Clearly, they thought they were auditioning for “Wreckers: The Parking Chronicles.” After being checked, our reckless driver found themselves breathing into a device that made “the noise of certain doom” and guess what? Surprise! A blood sample was taken. The best part? They got to leave after all that drama. Lucky them!

For Inquiries:

Heidekreis Police Station
Operations Control Center
i.A.Lingies, PHK’in
Telephone: 05191/9380-215

Original content from: Heidekreis Police Station, transmitted by news aktuell

So, there you have it, folks—a week in the life of the Heidekreis police. Between stolen vehicles, drunken cyclists, and tragically poor parking skills, perhaps the only conclusion we can draw is: don’t be that person. Stay safe, or at the very least, stay sober, preferably while behind the wheel! Until next time!

20.10.2024 – 15:47

Heidekreis police station

PI Heidekreis (ots)

Between Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon, unknown persons stole a VW Multivan on Gallhorner Flatt Street in Schneverdingen. The Schneverdingen police are asking for help and information on 05193-982500.

The Schneverdingen colleagues wanted to stop a car around 1:15 a.m. on the night of Friday to Saturday that was apparently not registered. However, the driver fled from his colleagues who gave chase. The driver then caused an accident and came to a stop on a dirt road. From there, two people escaped from the vehicle and were not detected by their colleagues. The investigation is ongoing. The driver faces various criminal charges, including for taking part in a motor vehicle race.

Early on Saturday evening around 6 p.m., a 61-year-old man was reported who was apparently no longer able to ride a bicycle. He fell and when the police arrived the reason quickly became clear: the man had drunk too much alcohol and was blowing over 1.3 per mille. The man’s blood was taken and a criminal complaint was filed.

Early on Saturday morning, October 19th, 2024, the police received an emergency call from other road users who reported an accident to a car on the feeder road from Autobahn 27 to Autobahn 7, in the direction of Hanover. The colleagues from Bad Fallingbostel found the vehicle that had recently been in an accident and was badly damaged, but there was no driver. During the extensive search, for which a police helicopter was also used, the driver of the accident was found in the adjacent, confusing area. The 18-year-old man from North Rhine-Westphalia blew 0.53 per mille. Blood was taken from the driver and investigations were initiated for (among other things) endangering road traffic and unauthorized removal from the scene of the accident.

On Saturday evening, October 19th, 2024, the driver of a truck reported to the Bad Fallingbostel police who had previously been defrauded by fake police officers. Accordingly, the truck driver, who had taken a break on Hartemer Weg, was checked by two supposed plainclothes police officers and was cheated out of a medium, three-digit amount of cash. The Bad Fallingbostel police are asking for information on 05162-972-0.

It happened on Benzer Straße in Walsrode on October 19th. Around 3:15 p.m. there was a traffic accident in which the driver of a car first damaged another car and then a street lamp while parking. During the subsequent check, the driver’s breath alcohol was detected. After a blood sample was taken and criminal proceedings were initiated, the driver was released from police custody.

Please send inquiries to:

Heidekreis police station
Operations control center
i.A.Lingies, PHK’in
Telephone: 05191/9380-215

Original content from: Heidekreis police station, transmitted by news aktuell



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