Pokémon GO World Champion|Former team leader writes: Li Qinglong has a share in the award and feels ashamed of his professor for one thing

Pokémon GO World Champion|Former team leader writes: Li Qinglong has a share in the award and feels ashamed of his professor for one thing

The former leader of the Pokémon GO Hong Kong team, Zhang Lexing (pictured right), shared that he received a NT$10,000 sponsorship from Li Qinglong (pictured left) last year, enabling Zheng Yekai’s team (also pictured left) to compete in Japan. (Live broadcast/English Lesson for Freedom FB)

Zheng Yekai, a 16-year-old middle school student nicknamed “Shopee,” recently became the first Pokémon GO world champion in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region during the Pokémon GO World Championship held in Hawaii, USA. On the 22nd, Zhang posted a lengthy message on social media to express gratitude towards the loyal fans of the mobile game and to Professor Li Qinglong, Chair Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Hepatology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. He noted that Li sponsored the team with NT$10,000 last year to help them travel to Japan for the competition. Although the team was eliminated in the group stage, Li did not express disappointment but instead encouraged them to “keep playing. You will definitely take first place.” Zhang commented that the team felt a sense of disappointment in seeking his sponsorship again this year, stating, “Champion Professor Lai is involved. Without his support last year, if we hadn’t been able to see the world, there wouldn’t be a Shrimp skin today.”

Pokémon GO World Champion|Li Qinglong previously sponsored Zheng Yekai’s team to compete in Japan, hoping more people will change their views on mobile games

Lai “Dissatisfied” with not being invited to sponsor this year

Zhang wrote to Li last year, inviting him to sponsor the team for the competition in Japan. He stated, “Generally speaking, the Hong Kong team had a good chance of becoming the world’s best. There are younger members on the team, and some needed to work part-time to cover their travel expenses.” Zhang had to take a salary cut to continue his work but was still willing to sponsor NT$10,000. “I didn’t expect the professor would give such a substantial amount to support us, whom he didn’t even know. I kept expressing my gratitude.” He mentioned that since he didn’t know how to use electronic payments, he could only transfer the money to the bank after work. “I thought he was joking when he said, ‘run.’ But if I recall correctly, he arrived at the bank around 17:03—he really did run there and was quite fast,” Zhang recalled.

Zhang admitted he sought sponsorship daily, often facing scorn, laughter, and indifference. “Only Professor Lai and another supporter, Dawei Kwok, trusted us. Although the team was eliminated in the group stage last year, Lai did not blame us but instead encouraged us, saying, ‘Losing is not such a big deal. Keep playing, and you will definitely take first place,’ expressing hope for the Hong Kong team to win in the future. After the match, to show their appreciation, Zhang and his team picked out “a whole cart” of gifts for Li Qinglong from the limited edition shop at the venue, which they were very pleased about.

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Worried about being perceived as dishonest, he stated, “I use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman.”

This year, due to official sponsorship covering airline tickets and hotels, Zhang did not seek sponsorship from Li Qinglong. “I’m afraid the professor thinks we are a gang or even a group of scammers coming to deceive him each year. With official sponsorship covering Shrimps (Cheng Ye Kai) airfare and accommodation, the financial burden is much lighter. Therefore, I didn’t want to easily use Lai’s kindness in this way. But after Shrimp won the world championship, Lai became more invested in the team.”

Zhang later learned through a radio program that Li was very happy about the championship victory and felt “proud of them,” but he was somewhat disappointed that the team had not sought his sponsorship this year. Zhang feared that Professor Lai would spoil them by asking for money, even though the professor was looking for a chance to return a favor without expecting repayment. Zhang mentioned that he planned to buy a Pikachu for Lai as a souvenir but had not yet done so, worrying that it might seem like he was trying to gain favor. “If I buy him a few hundred dollars’ worth of gifts, he might think, ‘Oh, now you come asking for tens of thousands of dollars in sponsorship during summer!’ I truly measure the heart of a gentleman with the mind of a villain!” Zhang added, “In my mind, Champion Professor Lai is involved. Without his support last year to help us see the world, there wouldn’t be a Shrimp skin today.”

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The original article was published on AM730 https://www.am730.com.hk/local/pokémon-go world champion-written by the former team leader-Li Qinglong has a share of the award-I feel ashamed of the professor for one thing/481353?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=referral

Pokémon GO World Championship: Celebrating the Journey of Zheng Yekai and the Hong Kong Team

Pokémon GO World Champion|Former team leader writes: Li Qinglong has a share in the award and feels ashamed of his professor for one thing

Zheng Yekai, a 16-year-old prodigy known as “Shopee,” made history as the first Pokémon GO world champion from Hong Kong during the Pokémon GO World Championship held in Hawaii, USA. This extraordinary achievement is not just a reflection of his talent but also of the support he received leading up to the event. In a heartfelt social media post, the former leader of the Pokémon GO Hong Kong team, Zhang Lexing, expressed gratitude to supporters and key figures who enabled their journey.

Support from Li Qinglong: The Catalyst for Success

Last year, Li Qinglong, a noteworthy figure in the Hong Kong community and Chair Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Hepatology at the University of Hong Kong, sponsored Zhang’s team with NT$10,000. This vital support allowed them to travel to Japan for competition, showcasing their skills on an international stage.

“Without the sponsorship last year, we wouldn’t have had the chance to see the world, and there would be no ‘Shrimp Skin’ today,” said Zhang Lexing.

The Emotional Ups and Downs of Competition

Despite their early elimination in the group stage during the last competition, encouraged by Li’s unwavering support, Zhang’s team was motivated to push forward and aim higher for future tournaments. “Keep playing, and you will definitely take the first,” Li encouraged, highlighting his belief in their potential despite setbacks.

The Importance of Community Support in Gaming

The journey of Zheng Yekai to becoming a champion reflects the role of community and sponsorship in competitive gaming. It symbolizes how financial backing and emotional encouragement can significantly influence young players’ experiences and aspirations.

The Call for Continued Sponsorship

This year, due to official sponsorship covering airline tickets and accommodations, Zhang refrained from requesting further financial help from Li, fearing it may be misconstrued as the team begging for money. “I didn’t want the professor to think we were a gang or a group of scammers,” he remarked.

However, he still felt a deep appreciation for Li’s past support and wanted to repurpose their relationship positively, aiming to return the favor in some way. “I thought he was joking about running to the bank to help us!” Zhang recalled, underscoring their jovial relationship.

Celebrating Achievements: Gifts and Gratitude

After Zheng won the championship, Zhang and his team decided to express their gratitude for Li’s previous generosity. They planned to acquire some exclusive Pokémon merchandise as a token of appreciation but were hesitant about how it would be perceived. “I feared it might look like we were giving him gifts just to ask for more money later,” Zhang admitted.

Building a Positive Legacy for Future Gamers

Through their achievements and experiences, both Zhang and Zheng hope to inspire the next generation of gamers in Hong Kong. They aim to demonstrate that with passion, support, and a strong community, remarkable accomplishments are within reach.

Benefits of Community Sponsorship in eSports

  • Boosts Confidence: Financial backing provides emotional support for young players, boosting their confidence to participate in international competitions.
  • Enhances Opportunities: Access to sponsorships allows teams to compete on bigger stages, leading to greater visibility and recognition.
  • Fosters Community: Engaging local sponsors creates a sense of community around eSports, encouraging more investment in local talent.
  • Encourages Positive Perception: Success stories help transform the image of mobile gaming into a respected competitive field.

First-Hand Experience: A Player’s Perspective

Zheng Yekai shared his thoughts on the role of local support in his journey: “Winning the championship was thrilling, but it was the support from people like Li that made it possible. Knowing that someone had faith in us really pushed our team to work harder.” His sentiments echo the feelings of many players within the eSports community, emphasizing that achievements often hinge on collaborative efforts.

Looking Ahead: The Future for Pokémon GO Competitors

The journey of the Pokémon GO Hong Kong team, particularly Zheng Yekai’s transformation into a world champion, is a testament to the power of support, encouragement, and community in competitive gaming. With ongoing sponsorship and encouragement from figures like Li Qinglong, the path for future challengers remains promising.

SEO Keywords:

  • Pokémon GO World Championship
  • Zheng Yekai Champion
  • eSports sponsorship
  • Hong Kong gaming community
  • Li Qinglong sponsorship
  • mobile gaming success stories
  • youth in competitive gaming

Concluding Thoughts on Community in Gaming

The success of Zheng Yekai and his team is more than just individual achievement; it is a celebration of community, support, and the belief in young talent in competitive gaming. As they look to the future, their story highlights the importance of local backing in shaping the future of Pokémon GO and eSports as a whole.



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