Pokémon GO: December 2022 Raids – Two Rare Shinys Await

December 2022 in Pokémon GO is full of surprises. Two raids are particularly expected. Here you will find an overview of all bosses.

San Francisco – To celebrate the end of the year, Niantic has planned many Raids in December for ambitious Pokémon Trainers. To keep you up to date, here’s our monthly recap of all the raids coming to Pokémon GO in December 2022. You won’t get bored anytime soon with the Legendary Bosses Viridium, Terrakium, and Cobalium, which can provide you with exciting battles and that you can also meet as Shiny.

game name Pokémon GO
Release (date of first publication) 06 July 2016
Publisher Niantic
Series Pokémon
Plates-formes Android, iOS
Developer Niantic
Genre Augmented Reality, Mobile

Pokémon GO: here are the dates of the December 2022 raids

Raid Hour Dates: The last month of the year, many raids await you. Don’t forget about raids in the second half of the month, as you’ll have a good chance of getting Kyurem and Cobalium in their Shiny form. So it’s worth keeping an eye out.

The Pokémon GO logo next to Pokémon Terrakium and Kobalium

Raid times are every Wednesday from 6-7pm. During these hours, trainers then have the opportunity to encounter a legendary Pokémon and capture it. Here are the dates for raid times in December 2022, every star marked Pokémon can also be caught as Shiny.

December 07 Raid time with Viridium*
December 14 Raid time with Terrakion*
December 21 Raid time with the cobaltium*.
December 28 Raid lesson with Kyurem

Trainers are eagerly awaiting Kyurem due to its long absence from raids, as this Pokémon hasn’t been around for a year. December 28 is a date to mark in your calendar. Otherwise, raid times will depend on Tier 5 raid bosses in December.

Pokémon GO: all raids for December 2022 – all level 5 bosses

Tier 5 Raid Dates: Level 5 raids will also be very interesting in December. Feel free to take a few friends into battle to take on the mighty bosses. Do not forget ! Raid bosses always take turns on the corresponding date at 10 AM (local time). We highly recommend that you read our Pokémon GO counters guide for Kyurem, which will allow you to achieve a quick victory.

Pokémon GO: All October 2022 Raids – All Mega Raid Bosses

Mega Raid Dates: Here are the dates for December Mega Raids in Pokémon GO. From the beginning of the month, a worthwhile event is Mega Raid Day, December 03, 2022. All Pokemon with a star can be caught as Shiny.

From December 01 to December 08 Mega Rexblisar*
December 03 (Event) Mega Lohgock, Mega Gewaldro, Mega Sumpex
from December 08 to December 15 Mega stollos*
from December 15 to January 1 Poirier Mega Gate

Niantic has once again pulled out all the stops to close out the year. But Trainers can expect many more great events on Pokémon GO in December 2022, so be sure to check out our recap article to find out what you can do in Pokémon GO between the two years.

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