Poggi gave a credit to the production in Villa de la Quebrada – San Luis News Agency

The owners are dedicated to honey production and have beehives in El Milagro and near Nogolí. They accessed the funds provided by the Government through ‘My Next Step’. Governor Claudio Poggi gave them the decree that proves it this Friday.

Sweet future. Two enterprising brothers, Marcos and Nicolás Torino, received the loan that will allow them to increase production.

Starting a business is not easy. It requires initiative, perseverance, tenacity and resilience. San Luis residents, whether by birth or adoption, have these qualities in abundance, but until last year they lacked the support of the State, which is essential for growth. Reality has changed and today they have tools generated by the provincial Executive for their development. There are many, but among them stands out access to public financing.

In the first stage, 1,530 projects were approved to access credit, and organic honey ‘The 3 M’ is one of them. The brothers Nicholas and Mark Turinresponsible for this family businessreceived the financing decree this Friday during an event held at the Villa de la Quebrada Municipality. They received the document from Poggi himself.

Nicolás said that they have part of the hives in El Milagro, and the other, near Nogolí. “We have had this project for about five years now, which was started by my father. He was taught beekeeping at the agricultural school in San Miguel, as a hobby. And he, in turn, taught us, so that we can continue with the activity,” he said.

His brother Marcos said that they will invest the loan in material to have more hives and thus obtain a larger harvest and increase sales. “Today we sell one-kilo and half-kilo packages at retail. And we also usually sell the closed drum, of 300 kilos,” he said. With this support, his aspiration is to exceed 200 hives.

“We are supporting the entrepreneurial culture and here, in the town, we are going to deliver to a project the decree approving the credit ‘My Next Step’, which is, precisely, the next step for young entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is a person who has, who pursues a dream and who, step by step, makes it a reality and generates work. It is not that one is born with an entrepreneurial instinct, at any time in life one can learn to be one. We have to fill the province with entrepreneurs,” said the President.

Tourism development project

Prior to the delivery of the decree, the 5th and 6th grade students of School No. 306 ‘Gobernador Zoilo Concha’ in Villa de la Quebrada presented a local tourism development project that they had developed. It is called ‘Tierra de los Milagros’, an initiative that links all the social actors of the town to achieve its positioning as a destination for religious tourism.

It was presented in 2023 at the International Tourism Fair in Buenos Aires and, in May of this year, at the 4th International Congress of Sanctuaries and the 17th National Meeting of Religious Tourism held in Córdoba.

Professor Gustavo Prieto is responsible for accompanying the students in the initiative. The parish priests of the local church and the municipality also participate. Pietro explained what it consists of. As for how it came about, he said that three years ago they heard Poggi talk about dreams and that motivated them: “Our dream was born from your dream,” he told the Governor.



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