Po Nattawut, the brave butler, complains about Ae taking pictures all day. swimwear smaller concave up to the armpit

Po Nattawut opens the mode of a brave butler. Post complaining regarding the beautiful wife, Ae Pornthip, every time she travels, she only takes photos, chooses pictures, edits photos, plus the swimsuits are getting smaller and smaller, almost reaching the armpit height.

Oh, eh

Image from Instagram aey_pornthip

Usually known for helping his wife’s beauty. For the young protagonist, Po Nattawut, but this time, let’s turn on the brave butler mode. When traveling to the beach and doesn’t seem to appreciate the swimsuit fashion of Ae Pornthip, I would like to post it on social media. with a photo together in the middle of the sea which was very jealous of his wife to the point of having to use the heart emoji as the bottom censored the sexiness

Oh, eh

Image from Instagram poh_natthawut

Po Nattawut stated that “Really like each other!!! Well, we’re all dressed up. As for Mrs. Nai, counting down the days, the swimsuits are getting smaller and smaller. Before coming to the sea, we have to starve, eat, and try on that dress to go to the beach every day. put on a swimsuit But the water doesn’t play. I only take photos. Finished taking photos. Choose, choose, choose, finish, decorate a little bit. Half a day is gone.

In conclusion, the water is still not playing well. Lunch time. Afternoon sun. Apply sunscreen. Finished. Find a corner to take photos, take photos, choose, dress up, dress up in the sun, order dinner, take a shower, change clothes to prepare for dinner.

In conclusion, I’m not satisfied with anything. I love it. I love it. I complain. Love is a bit jealous. Now the swimsuit will be concave high to the armpit chakra. And also get into Win Y!!! Well, you have to adjust, right? See you next trip, Po Dynamite #Let me close Jimmy with my heart.”

Oh, eh

Oh, eh

Image from Instagram poh_natthawut

Oh, eh

Image from Instagram poh_natthawut

Oh, eh

Image from Instagram poh_natthawut

Oh, eh

Image from Instagram poh_natthawut



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