PNB officials arrested journalist Carmela Longo

  • The SNTP indicated that police officers arrived at the communicator’s residence with a search warrant.

The National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) reported that officers of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) arrested journalist Carmela Longo and raided her home on Sunday, August 25.

The SNTP explained that the arrest and search took place in the Centro Aloa building, on Rómulo Gallegos Avenue in the Sucre municipality (Miranda).

According to the union, the journalist’s son was also arrested and officers allegedly took equipment, such as computers, from Longo’s home.

The communicator worked in Latest News and recently confirmed his departure from the media.

“Today, a stage of my life of almost 20 years ended, four days after leaving for vacation. I am grateful for that time for the things and above all for the excellent colleagues I had and where for more than half of that time I was a union delegate. That is what I will keep,” Longo wrote on the social network X on August 20.

The departure of Carmela Longo from Latest News The post generated various reactions from fellow journalists and media workers. Many of those who commented on her post highlighted her professionalism and expressed admiration for the communicator.

Carmela Longo’s career

Carmela Longo has more than three decades of experience in the world of journalism and has specialized in reporting on culture and entertainment. The communicator has been featured in national media such as Latest NewsVenevision and Globovision.

The journalist studied Social Communication at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and began her journey as an intern at Venezuela Graphic, in the year 1986.

Photo: Saturday Night

Longo has been known for being a critical journalist with expertise in the world of entertainment.

Her content and opinions led to conflicts of interest with the media outlets she worked for. In 2019, she was fired from Venevisión for an article she published in a print media outlet in which she talked about the cancellation of a program on the channel on the hill.

Carmela Longo’s experience led her to international prominence and in 2023 she was chosen as part of the Golden Globes voting committee.

“Thank you very much for taking me into consideration. I hope to live up to the commitment,” the journalist wrote on her X account the day she shared the news.

#PNB #officials #arrested #journalist #Carmela #Longo
2024-08-26 00:11:58



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