PLN Improves Features and Services in PLN Mobile Application – 2024-07-24 17:47:05

Launch of the 2024 PLN Mobile Thunder Program in Bandung, West Java.(Antara)

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) continues to improve features and services in the PLN Mobile application to accommodate the needs of the community. Executive Vice President of Commerce and Marketing of PLN, Fintje Lumembang, said that through strengthening the digital ecosystem, it is hoped that more people will download PLN Mobile and make transactions on the application.

“Our commitment going forward is to continue improving the features in PLN Mobile to make it easier for customers. We are also adding products that can be utilized by the public,” said Fintje in a written statement, Monday (22/7).

One of the features that can be found in the PLN Mobile application is the electric vehicle charging feature. This feature is a form of PLN’s acceleration of the electric vehicle ecosystem.

“We pay close attention to environmentally friendly policies, especially by accelerating the electric vehicle ecosystem,” he said.

PLN hopes that more and more people will download PLN Mobile and make transactions on the application.

“Our hope is that all Indonesian people, especially those who are already PLN customers, even those who are not yet, can take advantage of the services through PLN Mobile. With PLN Mobile everything is easier, you can access all PLN services and even make transactions in our marketplace,” he said.

Currently, PN customers are recorded at almost 80 million with the number of PLN Mobile downloaders at 50 million. That number is expected to continue to increase in the future. (Ant/Z-11)

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