Pleins Rayons calls on citizens to share their $500 tax credit

The Cowansville organization Pleins Payons is calling on eligible citizens to share their $500 tax credit with the community.

L’initiative I share my 500was born within the board of directors of Pleins Rayons. Its main purpose is to support the community sector, which is struggling at the end of the fiscal year.

There are people who are able to give their $500, but that’s not everyone. The idea is not to give it all away, but maybe give some money to help non-profit organizations. […] Make no mistake, community organizations are really having trouble concluding their financial year“, says the general manager and founder of Pleins Rayons, Stéphan Marcoux.

According to the organization, some people eligible for this $500 tax credit offered by Quebec would be quite prepared to part with at least part of this sum.

We launched the initiative a little over a week ago, and we have already raised close to $3,000 thanks to this movement. The majority of people have not yet received it, we imagine that the amount will still increase significantlyadds Stephan Marcoux.

Pleins Rayons' mission is to promote the social inclusion of young adults through the acquisition of socio-professional skills.

© André Vuillemin/Radio-Canada
Pleins Rayons’ mission is to promote the social inclusion of young adults through the acquisition of socio-professional skills.

The executive director of Pleins Rayons hopes that a large number of organizations in the province will join the movement and ask citizens in their area to share the $500.

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We have to show the population that the community really needs help and also make the government aware of investing more in community organizations. It’s pitiful, the sums of money that are poured into the community sector.»

A tax credit that is not unanimous

Stéphan Marcoux believes that Quebec’s choice to offer $500 to all individuals with an income not exceeding $100,000 was not the right strategy.

I think the money should have been put where people really need it. There are needs everywhere, in all sorts of marginalized areas. For example, I think that with that money, we could have renovated schools in Quebec“, he advances.

Pleins Rayons would like to enjoy better recognition from the government.

We are not recognized in any way, and then we have major impacts in Brome-Missisquoi. I think there is a lack of seriousness on the part of Quebec to really help the community“, he laments.

The organization claims to have raised this problem with provincial elected officials on numerous occasions, but to no avail.

We must find a concrete solution to help our organization and all the others in the province who are doing fantastic things with a lot of innovation.“, maintains the general manager.

Stéphan Marcoux has not set any objectives for the initiative I share my 500“. He only hopes that the generosity of the population will allow the community to keep its head above water.

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