PlayStation VR2 will provide live streaming and enable “cinema mode”


Sony released today PlayStation VR2 Some ofnew details, this time the new content mainly involves software experience. First, the device will natively support live streaming, so if players have a PS5 HD Camera, they can show viewers both the gameplay and your own actions at the same time. For streamers on YouTube, Twitch, and other platforms, this eliminates the need to rely on capture cards or green screen backgrounds. At the same time, you can also activate “Cinema Mode” in PSVR2. At this time, the picture will be placed on a 1080p virtual screen, and the update rate will be between 24Hz and 120Hz. For comparison, in regular VR mode the unit has a resolution of 2,000 x 2,040 per eye, with a refresh rate of 90Hz or 120Hz.

In addition, some functions are mainly related to the safety of use. After enabling the “Perspective” mode, players can switch the display content and quickly view the surrounding environment to avoid collisions. You can also customize the range of play, so the system automatically alerts you when you get close to the border. Sony promises to share more information “soon”, including a release date and a release date for PSVR2Game lineupand many more.

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