Playing for the Bottom Line: The Unlikely Heroes of the 2025 Sports Financial Landscape

2024-10-11 07:00:00

This Thursday, Prime Minister Michel Barnier unveiled his finance bill for the year 2025. In a context of rampant economies, sport is directly impacted.

“You have my commitment that beyond the 2024 Games, the resources will be maintained until the end of this five-year term, with the 2030 Games in mind.. » A sentence signed Emmanuel Macron, last January, during the greetings addressed to the world of sport. A promise that remains empty. Because since then, a lot has happened: legislative elections, a new government… and savings to be made, in all areas.

Sport among the first sources of savings

Due to the scale of the public deficit, Michel Barnier assured: the 2025 budget must find 60 billion euros via 40 billion in savings and 20 billion in additional revenue. A budget presented Thursday to the Council of Ministers by the Prime Minister. And the least we can say is that sport is one of the areas that pays the bill. In 2025, the drop in the budget for sport is estimated at 268 million euros. A sum which corresponds to the end of the costs linked to the JOP (151 million) and an adjustment of the expenditure forecasts observed in 2024 (114 million).

Gil Avérous: “Bringing the legacy of the JOPs to life”

For comparison, in 2024, sport will benefit from a total budget of 1.022 billion euros. Excluding Olympic credits, the budget amounts to 889 million euros. This is therefore a colossal drop in the funds allocated to the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Community Life. At the heart of this budget, certain organizations, such as the National Sports Agency, will benefit from reduced financial resources… and therefore limited means of action. The ANS budget thus passese 461 million euros this year to… 159 million for 2025.

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“We also adapt credits to real needs”explains Laurent Saint-Martin, Minister of the Budget, to franceinfo. “The sports budget will fall next year, because there will no longer be the expenses known this year and the previous ones for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. » For his part, Gil Avérous, Minister of Sports, ensures that one of the priorities remains “bringing the legacy of the JOPs to life. » How ? This is the question that will shake up French sport in the weeks to come.

#Budget #sport #pays #bill



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