Play at parties

2023-12-24 04:59:00

Challenging what is imposed is a lot of fun. It is an exercise that usually awakens neurons, smiles and some strange faces.

Do what everyone expects to be done… Because? so that?

Asking yourself if it is necessary, if it is good for us, if we choose it, is an exercise in consciousness, individuation, of growth.

I associate this directly to the dates we live.

What is done because it is chosen or because it is imposed by society or customs?

Get together, see what everyone cooks, share, sit down to eat and what else? Always the same?

The little tree more or less poor in material gifts… and what else? How do we feed our spirit?

Doing something that feeds our spirit is a gift that does not break, does not deteriorate over time and does not cost money. It’s quite the opposite.

It’s time to turn off screens and look into each other’s eyes. To smile, cry, talk, or simply be silent. But finding ourselves.

Some will like to play more, others will find it a little more difficult to put their body together and shake off the dusty years of boring adulthood, but everyone, absolutely everyone, can achieve it and when it is achieved, we already climb a step towards something better. Age, social status, number of activated neurons, physical condition or marital status do not matter. We all have the right to play. There is no DNU that prevents it. Free. Although sometimes, our own slaves are ourselves and our prejudices. That judge who tells us that we look ridiculous, how we are going to appear to others, that it is going to turn out badly for us, and many etcetera built on sand and silenced bodies.

What are we, if not what we live in this moment?

So that you have no excuses, and are encouraged to live different, legal experiences without spending money, here I share some suggestions to awaken your imagination. Like a cooking recipe, but for games. Here you can take out and put ingredients at will.

  1. Treasure hunt: consists of clues and a treasure. This can be anything from a purchased gift, to a love letter, drawing or whatever you want. Always of course we know that it awakens a smile. We deliver the first clue, for example: “clue number 2 is in a place that is always messy.”

  1. That clue (if they don’t know how to read, we’ll help) is sure to raise a smile and help you think about what it could be. If it is difficult, we can say “cold, warm or hot” if they are close or far from the next clue. The second clue has to be in that messy place we referenced. It will be a piece of paper that says: “this is clue number 2.” Number 3 is in…(and we suggest a next place)
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We can make the game short or long. As we decide.

  1. Make a list of intentions: each person can write or draw wishes on paper or let go of what they want to let go. Two moments can be created. One to let go and one to receive.

    Make games that everyone likes and can be shared, taught and/or change rules. With cards, dice, papers, etc.

    If there are several… Why not play at inventing things with clean waste? We already know that children love the packaging more than the toys that were there; If there are many of us, competitions can be set up (for those who enjoy them)

And of course I can’t help but say:

DO NOT USE FIREWORKS. It can cause accidents, many people suffer from loud noises. The animals have a very bad time, they can die or get lost.

SEPARATE THE WASTE. Clean and dry they have a second chance.



Lic. Laura Collavini

Psychopedagogue. President of the Being Foundation.

#Play #parties

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