plastic surgery for children

Bicycle or scooter accidents, domestic accidents, burns or congenital malformations, so many situations where it is necessary for these children to resort to plastic and reconstructive surgery.

In which cases should you consult? In what time frame? How to manage the anxiety and the guilt sometimes also, of the parents who bring their child in these services of plastic surgery? How to prevent domestic accidents, which are still too numerous today? What are the malformations that can be operated on?

The Pr Hossein Khonsariplastic and maxillofacial surgeon at the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital in Paris, is the guest of Geraldine Mayr a you Dr Jimmy Mohamed, and answers these questions. He also gives us advice on how best to react in the event of an accident.

Questions from listeners

The Dr Jimmy Mohamed answers questions regarding:

– them tendonitis : “I am a cashier and because of my job I have recurrent tendonitis in the wrist. I don’t know what to do, my doctor prescribed me anti-inflammatories but nothing helped. »

– them nitrites used in deli meats: “I keep hearing regarding nitrites in charcuterie being harmful, but why isn’t it banned in this case? » Paul asks us;

– them migraines : “I am a migraine sufferer and my headaches do not go away with doliprane. Am I allowed to take stronger medication? » wonders Jeanne.



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