Plastic coffee cups may threaten health .. a study reveals

It is already known that disposable coffee mugs are an environmental disaster, due to the thin plastic lining that makes them extremely difficult to recycle.

But the results of a new study reveal something even worse: mugs of hot drinks dump trillions of microplastic particles into the drink, according to the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

Researchers at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology analyzed single-use hot drink cups that are coated with low-density polyethylene (LDPE), a soft, flexible plastic layer often used as a waterproof liner. It turns out that when these cups are exposed to water at 100 degrees Celsius, they release trillions of nanoparticles per liter into the water.

plastic materials

penetrate cells

Chemist Christopher Zangmeister, lead researcher on the study, said that it is not yet known whether they have bad health effects on humans or animals, but microscopic particles are present in the billions in every liter of the drink, noting that “in the past decade, scientists have found substances plastics wherever they look in the environment.

Also, Zangmeister explained that by examining the bottom of icy lakes in Antarctica, microplastic particles larger than regarding 100 nanometers were found, which means they were likely not small enough to enter the cell and cause physical problems, explaining that the results of the new study are different. Because nanoparticles [التي العثور عليها في أكواب القهوة] It was very small and might get inside the cell, which might disrupt its function.”

Indian study

A similar study, conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology in 2020, found that a hot drink in a disposable cup contained an average of 25,000 microplastic particles, along with minerals such as zinc, lead and chromium in the water. American researchers believe that the results came from the same plastic lining.

The American researchers also analyzed nylon bags intended for packing food such as bread, which are transparent plastic sheets placed in baking pans to create a non-stick surface that prevents moisture loss. They discovered that the concentration of nanoparticles released in hot food grade nylon water was seven times higher than that in single-use beverage cups.

Zangmeister noted that the study’s findings might aid efforts to develop such tests to minimize any negative effects on human health.



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