Plastic Bags Stage a Revival: Concerns Arise Among Environmental Advocates


Plastic bags have made a strong comeback in all Moroccan markets, after the authorities failed to combat them due to pressure from the manufacturers’ lobby, which has raised concerns among environmental activists.

In recent years, various authorities have led the fight against plastic bags and limited their promotion, raising the slogan of preserving the environment. Significant quantities of plastic bags were seized and many promoters of this banned commodity were arrested. However, the interventions to fight plastic bags quickly disappeared for unknown reasons.

Factors contributing to the spread of “mica” in the markets

A number of factors are behind the return of plastic bags to the markets, defying the legislative framework to ban their production and circulation, the most important of which are the exacerbation of informal sector activity, the difficulty of controlling, monitoring and enforcing the law, and the growth of clandestine manufacturing units and smuggling between cities.

According to professional sources, despite the restrictions on the import and distribution of polyethylene, which is the main material in the manufacture of plastic bags, production in factories and secret units continued to grow and jumped to record levels, which had a positive impact on its wholesale price.

In addition, the same sources pointed to the continued high cost of sustainable alternatives for consumers, the lack and absence of appropriate recycling channels, and the same applies to plastic waste management solutions.

On the other hand, the decline in the pace of monitoring compared to the first and second years after the law prohibiting the production, marketing and use of plastic bags in the domestic market came into effect, contributed to the recovery of the “mica” industry, albeit in an invisible way, as the monitoring operations carried out by the mixed committees and also those carried out by the customs services, reinforced the punitive aspect of monitoring and curbed the expansion of plastic bag activity.

dire repercussions

Recent studies have warned of the danger of the spread of plastic bags, which after being disposed of turn into food for birds, fish and mammals, which affects the ecosystem, while expectations indicate that plastic waste in the ocean will exceed fish by the year 2050.

The same studies warn of the difficulty of completely eliminating plastic bags in the coming years, linking this to weak laws and legislation, the absence of political will, and pressure from plastic industry lobbies and merchants.

For their part, many environmental activists believe that alternatives to plastic are not sufficiently motivating, stressing that ending the activity of “mica” in the markets requires returning to the campaign’s logic of monitoring, while preparing the necessary groundwork to ensure its success, by taking a set of steps.

These activities propose increasing community awareness through different educational methods about the plastic pollution chain and improving daily decision-making in favor of environmental solutions, in addition to the authorities’ move to organize training for young people and women in the field of collecting, processing and recycling plastic, and to focus on developing the production of alternatives to plastic bags, and supporting the establishment of cooperatives for recycling plastic.

In addition, environmental and public health advocates are calling for stronger laws and regulations, encouraging research and innovation in plastic waste management, and clarifying international agreements and legislation related to plastics.

#strong #return #plastic #bags #market #raises #concerns #among #environmental #activists
2024-09-08 19:08:31

Here⁢ are ‌some People Also Ask (PAA) questions‌ related to⁤ the title “The Resurgence of Plastic Bags in Morocco: A Threat to the Environment”:

The Resurgence of Plastic Bags in Morocco: A Threat⁤ to ⁢the Environment

In recent years,⁣ Morocco has made significant strides in ‌reducing the use of plastic ⁢bags​ in an effort to protect the ⁣environment. However, despite these efforts, plastic⁣ bags have​ made a strong ‍comeback in all Moroccan markets, ⁤raising concerns among environmental activists. The ban on plastic bags, which was enforced⁢ in 2016 [[1]], was seen as a ⁢major step forward in reducing plastic waste and promoting ⁤sustainable living. However, the authorities’ failure ⁤to⁢ combat the return of plastic ⁢bags due to pressure from manufacturers’ ‌lobbies⁢ has⁣ led to a resurgence​ of ​this environmental menace.

The Factors Contributing to ‍the Spread ​of Plastic‍ Bags

Several factors have‍ contributed to the return of plastic bags in Moroccan markets. The exacerbation of informal sector activity, the difficulty of controlling, monitoring, and enforcing the law,‌ and the growth of clandestine manufacturing units ⁤and smuggling between cities have all‍ played a role in the resurgence of plastic bags. Despite restrictions on the import and distribution of polyethylene,‌ the main material used ⁤in‍ the manufacture ​of ​plastic bags, ‌production in factories ‌and secret units has continued to grow, leading to a increase in the wholesale price of plastic bags [[2]].

In addition, the high cost of ‍sustainable alternatives for consumers, the lack of appropriate recycling channels, and inadequate plastic waste management solutions⁢ have all contributed to the widespread⁣ use of plastic bags. The decline in monitoring efforts compared to‌ the first and second years after the ban was⁢ enforced‍ has also contributed to the recovery of‍ the plastic bag‌ industry, albeit in an invisible way.

The Dire Repercussions of Plastic Bags

The spread⁣ of plastic bags has severe consequences for the environment. Recent​ studies have warned⁣ of the danger of plastic bags, which can be ingested by birds, fish, and mammals, causing harm to the ecosystem. In fact, it is estimated that plastic ‌waste in the ocean will‍ exceed fish ‌by the year 2050 ‍ [[3]]. The continued use of plastic bags​ also​ perpetuates the problem ⁤of plastic waste management, which is a major environmental challenge facing Morocco.

The Way Forward

To combat the resurgence of⁣ plastic bags, it⁤ is essential to adopt​ a multifaceted approach. Environmental activists believe that alternatives to plastic bags are not sufficiently motivating, ⁣and that a return to the logic of monitoring is‌ necessary to ensure‍ the success of anti-plastic ⁣bag campaigns. This requires increasing‌ community awareness about the plastic pollution chain and promoting environmental solutions through​ different educational methods.

In addition, the authorities must take steps to strengthen laws and ⁢legislation, increase political will, and resist pressure from⁤ plastic industry⁤ lobbies and merchants. Only‍ through a ​concerted effort can Morocco hope to eliminate plastic bags from its markets and⁣ promote a more⁢ sustainable and environmentally-friendly way ‍of life.





What measures can Morocco take to strengthen the enforcement of its plastic bag ban and prevent further environmental damage?

The Resurgence of Plastic Bags in Morocco: A Threat to the Environment

In recent years, Morocco has made significant strides in reducing the use of plastic bags in an effort to protect the environment. However, despite these efforts, plastic bags have made a strong comeback in all Moroccan markets, raising concerns among environmental activists. The ban on plastic bags, which was enforced in 2016 [[1]], was seen as a major step forward in reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable living. However, the authorities’ failure to combat the return of plastic bags due to pressure from manufacturers’ lobbies has led to a resurgence of this environmental menace.

The Factors Contributing to the Spread of Plastic Bags

Several factors have contributed to the return of plastic bags in Moroccan markets. The exacerbation of informal sector activity, the difficulty of controlling, monitoring, and enforcing the law, and the growth of clandestine manufacturing units and smuggling between cities have all played a role in the resurgence of plastic bags. Despite restrictions on the import and distribution of polyethylene, the main material used in the manufacture of plastic bags, production in factories and secret



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