plasma treatment to improve your skin

Aesthetic medicine continues to appeal and reaches an ever younger public. According to figures from theIMCAS (International Master Course on Aging Science, one of the most important world congresses devoted to this subject), the global annual growth rate of the aesthetic medicine sector in the broad sense was 8% over the period 2018-2023.

Besides the hyaluronic acid injections in the lips or botox in wrinkles, there is a new technique, Plasma treatment, which treats skin imperfections such as acne, wrinkles, sagging eyelids, spots, scars, warts, depigmentation, skin lesions.



Plasma: a method to tighten the epidermis

Plasma treatment is a technique of cosmetic surgery non invasive. “Thanks to an electric arc and a small thin metal rod that is brought close to the skin, the electrons will produce heat, more precisely a point of heat” explains Doctor Patrice Planté and to continue: “This heat point is tiny at the level of the epidermis. It chars the cells which are more or less dead in the epidermis. These hot spots will therefore eventually create scarring. ; the tighter the impacts, the better the results. The skin retracts and gives a lifting effect.“After the session, the patient will have red dots, scabs around the treated area(s) which last four/five days. “This is the crust that will have the lifting effectwhich contracts the skin and you have in addition, a stimulation of collagen.“Swelling can occur for 24 to 48 hours following the operation.

This method is not suitable for everyone. The future patient cannot, for example, have a pacemaker or metal implant in the treated area, not wear make-up the days following the plasma treatment, not expose themselves to the sun for two months, not have an area infected, not being pregnant, not undergoing epileptic treatment or having had botox injections within 6 months. Finally not all skin types are suitable : tanned and black skin, phototype 4,5,6 cannot use plasma treatment.



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