Plants and natural remedies that scare them away

If you have many at home mosquitoes and you don’t know how to scare them away, Here we tell you what plants You can put in your home that work as natural mosquito repellents.

We know that in supermarkets and stores there is a wide variety of products that promise to fulfill this function, however, if what you are looking for is to take care of the environment and also your economy so as not to spend money on this type of purchases, you can easily get these plants and they will help you repel mosquitoes and other insects.

Plants that repel mosquitoes:

Basil: It is one of the most used plants in the kitchen but it is also known for its medicinal properties. In addition, it is a natural mosquito repellent and even for flies. It is recommended that you keep it in a pot and that be close to doors and windows.

Romero: Rosemary is also used for scare away mosquitoes because it contains a substance called geraniol; this is very toxic to these insects. It is worth mentioning that it is a plant that It does not require much care So in case you are a beginner in this topic, this option is ideal for you.

Lavender: Thanks to its exquisite fragrance containing Camphor and eucalyptus Not only will it leave a nice scent in your home, but it will repels mosquitoes because they find it intolerant. Also drives away flies and horsefliesLavender is ideal for outdoors and indoors, just be careful not to leave it in a place where it gets direct sunlight.

Plants that repel mosquitoes.

mint: Another repellent for scare away mosquitoes It is mint, because it drives them away and works as remedy for bites thanks to its antiseptic functions. It is important for you to know that, unlike rosemary, this plant needs a lot of care, attention and above all, a very large space so that it grows.

Citronella: Citronella is a very popular plant for its unmistakable lemon aroma and its excellent properties that they get repel mosquitoes and flies. It is a outdoor plant So placing it in your garden or outside your door is an excellent option; it also doesn’t require much care.

Lemon: Lemon produces an oil that contains the Same properties as citronellaincluding the ability to repel mosquitoes. This It is a tree more than a plant, But if you have the space to plant it, don’t hesitate. Your home will smell delicious and, in addition to saving on mosquito repellent, you’ll also save on buying lemons.

Parsley: Another plant that keeps mosquitoes away is parsley. It is aromatic And in addition to keeping these insects away, it attracts others that are beneficial to your garden, such as bees, which help with the pollination of flowers.

Plants that repel mosquitoes.

Home remedies to repel mosquitoes

– Candles: Use scented candles as a mosquito repellent; some examples are: lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, etc. The smoke they give off will keep these insects away. Just remember to place them somewhere that is close to your windows and away from any objects that can burn and small children.

– She: He garlic sulfur is one of the mosquito repellents most effective there is; alsorepels flies, ticks and fleas.

All you have to do is Peel and chop several cloves of garlic and put them in a container with a little water. Then, let it rest for a few hours and use the leftover liquid to spray the spaces in your home.

– Essential oils: If you don’t know how to keep mosquitoes away from your home, essential oils are perfect for doing so. Some of the most effective are eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, almond, citronella, rosemary or geranium.

Try soaking cotton balls in these oils and placing them in a bowl. You can also put a few drops on your neck or on your pajamas to get rid of them at bedtime.

– Mosquito-catching bottle: In one plastic bottle split in halfmix 200 milliliters of water and 50 grams of sugar; once this is done, add yeast without stirring.

Finally, insert the neck of the bottle into the container. In a short time, carbon dioxide will begin to be generated and the smell of fermentation will attract mosquitoes that will be trapped in it. We leave you this small video so you can see how you can make this tool in just a few minutes.

YouTube video

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#Plants #natural #remedies #scare
2024-08-25 19:37:06



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