2023-11-11 22:40:16
Perennial vegetables grow back on their own year following year… They are also more nutritious because there is no need to disturb the soil to replant them!
At some point in our evolution, we decided to make growing food more difficult than necessary, picking and choosing varieties of vegetables and grains that needed to be plowed, planted, watered, weeded, and fertilized every year.
If many of us aren’t ready to give up our corn, cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes, we might consider increasing the percentage of our gardens devoted to perennial vegetables.
Perhaps you’ll keep your annual farm plot close to the house to tend to it more frequently, and let low-maintenance “permaculture” perennials take over the perimeter.
Not only do perennials not need to be tilled or fertilized, they improve the soil wherever they live, their deep roots pulling nutrients upward into their leaves, which nourish the topsoil as they fall.
Here are some delicious and nutritious options to get you started:
1. Asparagus
2. Artichoke
3. Kale
4. Wild garlic
5. Cresson
6. Radicchio or red chicory
7. Rhubarb
8. Rocambole onion
9. Ail
10. Sorrel
11. Daylily
12. Runner beans
13. Jerusalem artichokes
14. Ostrich fern (fiddleheads)
15. Hosta
#Plant #Perennial #Vegetables #Harvest #Decades