Planned Power Interruption in Neuquén: Here’s What You Need to Know About Affected Areas and Timing This Monday

2024-09-09 00:19:02

They conveyed c from the CALF cooperativeThe city of Neuquén is scheduled to experience a power outage on Monday, September 9.

CALF explained The area around Córdoba N°534 will experience the first power outage from 7 to 10 o’clock. The “underground low-pressure area” will be transformed.

He added that in The area around Huergo between ENET N°1 and Workers of the Industry will not be lit from 12:00 to 13:00. They explained that this was a “cutback authorized by the municipal control agency” and was intended to connect a new substation to meet greater demand.

#Power #outage #Neuquén #Monday #timetable #affected #areas

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Power Outage Scheduled in Neuquén, Argentina on September 9,⁢ 2024

On‌ Monday, September ‌9, 2024, the city of Neuquén ‍is set to experience a power outage, affecting various areas of⁢ the‌ city. The outage is scheduled ​to ‌take place in two stages, with the first one occurring ⁢from 7 to 10 o’clock in the ⁣morning and ⁢the second ‌one from ​12:00 to 13:00 in the afternoon.

According to ⁣CALF, the cooperative responsible for the power supply, the areas affected by⁣ the outage will include Córdoba ⁢N°534 and Huergo between ENET N°1 and Workers⁤ of the Industry. The reason for the outage is to allow for the transformation of the⁢ “underground low-pressure​ area” and ⁣to connect‌ a new substation to meet the increasing demand⁢ for electricity.

In recent years, Argentina has experienced several major power outages, affecting​ millions of people across the country. In June 2019, a massive⁣ power⁢ outage ​struck Argentina and Uruguay, leaving tens of millions​ without‌ electricity [[3]]. The cause of the outage was attributed to a⁤ failure in a coastal grid.

More recently, in March ⁣2023, another power outage‌ affected millions⁢ of ​people in Argentina, with reports of widespread power cuts in Mendoza, Santa Fe, ⁤Córdoba, Neuquén, and ⁢other cities [[1]][[2]]. The cause of ⁢the outage was ⁢a fire that hit the grid.

While the ‌scheduled power outage⁤ in Neuquén on September 9, 2024,⁢ is not expected to have⁢ the‍ same widespread impact as​ these previous outages, it is still important for residents to be prepared​ and‍ to make necessary arrangements to minimize the disruption‌ to their⁣ daily lives.





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Power Outage Scheduled in Neuquén, Argentina on September 9, 2024

On Monday, September 9, 2024, the city of Neuquén in Argentina is set to experience a power outage, affecting various areas of the city. The outage is scheduled to take place in two stages, with the first one occurring from 7 to 10 o’clock in the morning and the second one from 12:00 to 13:00 in the afternoon.

According to CALF, the cooperative responsible for the power supply, the areas affected by the outage will include Córdoba N°534 and Huergo between ENET N°1 and Workers of the Industry. The reason for the outage is to allow for the transformation of the “underground low-pressure area” and to connect a new substation to meet the increasing demand for electricity.

In recent years, Argentina has experienced several major power outages, affecting millions of people across the country. In June 2019, a massive power outage struck Argentina and Uruguay, leaving tens of millions without electricity [[3]]. The cause of the outage was attributed to a failure in a coastal grid.

More recently, in March



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