Planned paint attack fails: Climate activists stick themselves on Sylt airport

Planned paint attack fails

Climate activists attach themselves at Sylt Airport

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Activists from the Last Generation have once again targeted the airport on Sylt. They succeeded in cutting a hole in the fence and affixing themselves to the tarmac next to a private jet. The group is also protesting at other airports across Germany.

Two activists from the Last Generation briefly attached themselves to the ground next to a private jet at the airport on the North Sea island of Sylt. Their attempt to spray paint the plane was thwarted by the swift action of airport personnel. The activists had previously cut a hole in the airport fence to gain access to the premises.

A third activist was stopped by police at the fence and taken away. The women were removed from the tarmac and transported in a police car. To shield the scene from onlookers, firefighters positioned two large fire trucks next to the private jet. The Last Generation stated that they intended to spray the message “Oil kills” on the private aircraft.

“The protest today on Sylt didn’t succeed, which happens from time to time, but that doesn’t mean we’re stopping,” said Christian Bergemann, spokesman for the Last Generation. According to flight schedules available online, flight operations at Sylt Airport remained unaffected by the incident.

The demonstrators assert that millionaires and billionaires play a disproportionately large role in contributing to climate change. They argue that owners of private jets, limousines, and super yachts will not voluntarily relinquish their luxuries, and laws are essential to reduce these emissions.

In June 2023, five activists from the group Letzte Generation spray-painted a private jet with orange paint on the airport grounds and glued themselves to it. The public prosecutor’s office in Flensburg estimated the damage to the aircraft alone at over one million euros.

Protests at other airports

Meanwhile, other members of the group have demonstrated against climate-damaging air travel at several airports on the mainland, but flight operations were not affected. At Dortmund Airport, activists poured black paste on the terminal floor and held signs stating, “Oil kills,” according to the group. According to police reports, 14 activists protested in a terminal at Stuttgart Airport with posters, banners, flyers, and speeches. Die letzte Generation criticized ongoing flights from Dortmund to Munich, labeling them “easily dispensable domestic flights” that are “particularly harmful.”

In recent weeks, climate activists from the Last Generation have disrupted flight operations at Germany’s largest airport in Frankfurt am Main and at Cologne/Bonn Airport, while also briefly blocking cargo operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport. On Thursday, the organization announced that eight homes belonging to climate activists from the Last Generation were searched. The group subsequently declared its intention to escalate protests despite the “massive attempt at intimidation by the authorities.”

Planned Paint Attack Fails: Climate Activists Stick Themselves on Sylt Airport

Activists from the Last Generation continue their climate protest strategies, this time targeting Sylt Airport. Their bold move involved cutting a hole in the airport fence to attach themselves next to a private jet, illustrating their ongoing struggle against climate inaction.

What Happened at Sylt Airport?

On August 10, 2024, two activists managed to breach security by slicing through the fence and glued themselves to the tarmac adjacent to a private jet parked at Sylt Airport. Their attempt to spray paint the aircraft with “Oil kills” was thwarted quickly by airport personnel who intervened. A third activist was detained by police at the airport fence before they could join their colleagues.

Details of the Protest

  • The activists cut a hole through the airport’s security fence.
  • They positioned themselves next to a private jet with the goal of spraying paint on it.
  • Quick actions from airport staff prevented any damage to the aircraft.
  • Firefighters were deployed to block the view of the event from the public.

After their removal, the two women were detained in a police vehicle. Christian Bergemann, a spokesman for the Last Generation, acknowledged the protest’s failure but emphasized that it wouldn’t deter their efforts. “The protest today on Sylt didn’t work, that happens every now and then, but that doesn’t mean we’re stopping,” he stated.

The Motivations Behind the Climate Protests

The Last Generation argues that the ultra-wealthy disproportionately contribute to climate change through their lavish lifestyles, including ownership of private jets, luxury cars, and super yachts. The group believes that substantial legislative changes are necessary to regulate and reduce the emissions generated by these modes of transport, which they see as harmful to the environment.

Claimed Impact on Climate

According to the activists, private jets are symbolic of the inequality in climate responsibility. They assert that the owners of such jets rarely make sacrifices related to their carbon footprints and therefore must be compelled to change their behavior through stricter regulations.

Previous Incidents at Sylt Airport

This isn’t the first time the Last Generation has targeted Sylt Airport. In June 2023, five activists sprayed an aircraft with orange paint and glued themselves to the jet. Authorities estimated the damage from that incident at over one million euros. Such bold actions have drawn increasing attention to the climate crisis and the stark behaviors of the elite.

Wider Climate Protests Across Germany

Simultaneously, other activists from the Last Generation protested against climate-damaging aviation practices at various airports on the German mainland. Here are some actions reported:

Highlights of Other Actions

Location Action Taken Significance
Dortmund Airport Poured black paste on terminal floor; raised banners Visual protest against air travel emissions
Stuttgart Airport Demonstrated with signage and materials Highlighted unnecessary domestic flights
Frankfurt am Main Airport Temporarily paralyzed flight operations Major disruption drawing public attention
Cologne/Bonn Airport Temporary block of cargo operations Focused on the environmental impact of air cargo

Law Enforcement Response to Protests

Following these protests, authorities seem increasingly vigilant. Recently, police conducted searches at eight properties linked to the activists in a bid to curb their disruptive actions. However, the organization resolved to escalate their activities in response to what they termed intimidation tactics by law enforcement.

The Urgency of Climate Action

The overarching message from the Last Generation is clear: immediate and effective climate action is necessary. They are utilizing bold tactics to draw attention to the climate emergency, emphasizing that altering everyday behaviors, particularly those of the wealthy, is essential for meaningful change. Amid their protests, they continuously stress that the current rate of climate change poses an existential threat to the planet.

First-Hand Experience from Activists

Many involved in these protests express a deep personal commitment to their cause. One activist shared:

“Every action we take is a call to arms for those who have the luxury of indifference. Our planet is suffering, and we can’t stand by and do nothing. Our protests are designed to create discomfort for the comfortable. We need real change.”

Benefits of Environmental Awareness

Through these actions, the activists aim to promote a better understanding of climate issues among the general public. By engaging in protests, they aim to:

  • Raise awareness about the environmental impact of luxury travel.
  • Encourage public discourse about climate change and accountability.
  • Advocate for legislative changes to limit carbon emissions from high-impact sources.

Practical Tips for Supporting Climate Activism

Individuals can support climate activism in several ways:

  • Educate yourself and others about the impacts of climate change.
  • Reduce personal carbon footprints by opting for sustainable travel and lifestyle choices.
  • Support organizations and movements that align with environmental justice and sustainability.
  • Advocate for policies that prioritize climate protection and green energy solutions.



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