Planets outside the solar system and information about them

Planets outside the solar system have been a target of astronauts’ research since the late twentieth century, but this research was not in vain, and since the announcement of the first planet outside the solar system in 2011 AD, its existence and a series of discoveries of the space observatory have been confirmed for a stable orbit and many exoplanets other so far.

Therefore, an additional site will accompany you to learn together about the planets outside the solar system, and you will find some facts that scientists have reached about them, all of them, and more in the following lines. let’s continue.

outer planets

On January 2, 2013, a group of astronauts announced that our galaxy to which our solar system belongs – the Milky Way – contains more than 400 million exoplanets. They explained that every star in the Milky Way is followed by one or more planets in our solar system, with eight planets following the Sun, and this is the case with other stars.

The main reason why scientists search for other planets in different orbits is their desire to discover planets similar to Earth, which helps them monitor them and benefit from their behavior to know the future of the Earth.

It is said that the meaning of exoplanet is the planet that follows another star outside our solar system, and this planet is a translation of the name given by astronauts to exoplanet for planets outside our solar system.

As for when we use the term inner planets, what we mean here are the planets in our solar system that revolve in regular orbits around the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Astronauts and scientists have been searching for modern and highly advanced devices for other planets orbiting other stars in this vast universe since 1991 AD, and by 2012 they were able to discover more than 760 planets, and the discovery continues.

They also made sure that there are many celestial bodies in this universe that they will announce as soon as this information is confirmed, and our planet will try to benefit from it for our planet Earth, and we will present it to you below: The number of planets discovered outside the solar system and space scientists have revealed information about them.

You can see: the largest planets in the solar system

Planet Kepler-22b

On March 6, 2009, NASA announced the launch of Kepler as the first mission to search for exoplanets, and the primary goal of the mission was to search for exoplanets that were similar in size and location to Earth, far from the star. turn around.

The Kepler probe is named after astronomer Johannes Kepler, one of the leading astronomers and mathematicians of the 17th century famous for, and later drawing upon, the law of planetary motion.

Planet Kepler-22b was first discovered in 2009 AD, but scientists confirmed that it is a planet with a fixed orbit in 2011 AD by a group of scientists from NASA’s Kepler telescope and published some information about it. And we tell you the most important ones:

  • Scientists believe that Kepler-22b could be a huge Earth to live on. Because it is located in an area similar to the area in which the Earth is located.
  • Kepler-22b is 587 light-years from Earth.
  • Its area is twice the size of Earth and a half.
  • The temperature on this planet is estimated at 22 degrees Celsius.
  • It orbits the star Kepler-22, a star smaller than the Sun.
  • The group in orbit is about 4 billion years old, and our solar system is about 4.5 billion years old.


Planet Kepler 10b was discovered by the Kepler telescope in MS 2011, and we’ll show you some information about it below:

  • It is a rocky planet discovered from the planets outside the solar system.
  • The planet is estimated to be 1.4 times the size of Earth, so it is believed to be very close to Earth’s size.
  • It circles its star like a complete revolution in less than a day.
  • The distance between it and its star is less than 20 times the distance between Mercury and the Sun.
  • The temperature of this planet is about 1600 K.

You can also see: The arrangement of the planets according to their size and their distance from the sun.

Kepler 37b

Planet Kepler 37B was discovered by the Kepler telescope in 2013 AD, and we can learn some information about this planet through:

  • It is a planet smaller than Earth and is the smallest planet ever discovered outside the solar system.
  • This planet orbits the star Kepler-37 and is said to be about 210 light-years from the Sun and was discovered in the company of three other planets.
  • It orbits its star in about 13 years.
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Planet Kepler-186f Kepler-186f

This planet was discovered by NASA’s Kepler telescope in 2014, along with four other planets, and we’ll show you some information about this planet below:

  • This planet orbits the star Kepler 186 and is called a red dwarf star because its light tends to be red.
  • It is also far from its star, and the temperature above it is likely to be similar to that of Earth.
  • Scientists believe that its diameter is equal to the diameter of the planet Earth.
  • It is very likely that scientists have liquids on this planet.
  • It is about 500 light years from Earth.
  • It is considered a planet in its habitable zone.
  • Scientists explained that all the indications obtained show that it is a rocky planet very close to Earth.

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Planet Kepler 452b

This planet was announced by the Kepler science team in 2015, and the number of planets announced until the discovery of this planet reached 1030, and we will show you the most important information about that planet in the following lines:

  • It takes its star 385 days to orbit.
  • Of its star is more than 5% of the Earth’s Sun.
  • It is about 1,400 light-years from Earth.
  • This planet is believed to be in the habitable zone.
  • Its diameter is about 60% larger than Earth’s, and gravity is more than twice as strong as Earth’s.
  • Its mass is more than five times that of Earth, and scientists suggest that it has volcanic activity.
  • Scientists have the potential to get liquids on this planet as its general conditions are very similar to Earth’s.

Planet CURT-7b CoRoT-7b

There is some important information about this planet revealed by astronomers, the most important of which are the following:

  • The Wolf probe discovered this planet in 2009.
  • This planet orbits a sun-like star that has many features.
  • Kurt 7B is 400 light-years from Earth.
  • Kurt 7B orbits its star every 20 hours.
  • Its size is estimated to be twice the size of Earth.
  • The temperature on this planet reaches a thousand degrees Celsius. Because it is very close to its star.
  • Scientists have shown that the cluster of stars orbiting Kurt 7 B is estimated to be about 1.5 billion years old.

Jliss 581 AH

This planet was discovered in 2009 by the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland by Michel Mayor’s team using a telescope in Chile, one of the planets outside the solar system, and some information about this planet was also obtained. The most important are as follows:

  • It is estimated to be 1.9 times the size of planet Earth, almost twice the size.
  • The star, which is outside the habitable zone for up to 3 days, orbits Klyssa 581.
  • It is about 20.5 light years away from Earth.
  • It is likely to be a rocky planet like Earth.
  • Scientists have ruled out that it has an atmosphere.

You can also see: What are the names of the planets in English, their properties and order

With this, we have explained to you some information about planets outside the solar system, which cannot be reached with the real number mentioned by scientists, but the truth about some of these planets has been determined. We hope we have provided you with the necessary information, the most important of which we have mentioned as Kepler-22b, Kepler-10b, and Kepler-37b.

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