PKB Submits Letter of Support for Ade-Iip in Tasikmalaya Regency

The PKB management of Tasikmalaya Regency held a declaration of support for the 2024 Pilkada (MI/KRISTIADI)

AHEAD of the 2024 Regional Elections, the National Awakening Party (PKB) has issued a decree (SK) B1KWK to Ade Sugianto-Iip Miftahul Paoz as prospective candidates for Regent and prospective candidate for Deputy Regent of Tasikmalaya.

The Head of the Tasikmalaya Regency PKB DPC, Ami Fahmi said, the PKB DPP has issued a decree (SK) for the prospective Tasikmalaya regent candidate, Ade Sugianto and the prospective deputy regent candidate, Iip Miftahul Paoz as a pair for the 2024-2029 period. His party is still waiting for other parties that are part of the coalition.

“Alhamdulillah, the decree (SK) from the PKB DPP has been issued for the Ade Sugianto-Iip Miftahul Paoz pair. We are waiting for it from other political parties that are part of the coalition,” he said, Wednesday (14/8).

He added that the Tasikmalaya Regency PKB DPC continues to consolidate in preparation for the regional elections. PKB is in a coalition with PDIP, NasDem and Golkar, carrying Ade Sugianto and Iip Miftahul Paoz.

“We continue to communicate with the coalition parties, especially to win the Ade Sugianto-Iip Miftahul Paoz pair. Hopefully, the movement can embrace the people in Tasikmalaya Regency,” he said.

Meanwhile, the prospective candidate for Deputy Regent of Tasikmalaya, Iip Miftahul Paoz said that he had received a decree (SK) to run in the Pilkada from the PKB DPP. “We will work hard to win the Pilkada together with the coalition party.”

#PKB #Submits #Letter #Support #AdeIip #Tasikmalaya #Regency



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