Pizzighettone, Davide Giovanetti new Minibasket manager – CremonaSport

AND Davide Youngsters the new Minibasketball Manager of the Basketball Team 1995 and Basketball Pizzighettone. After his experience as a player right on the banks of the Adda, Giovanetti – known by all as “Buddy” – began his journey as a coach, always in white and blue.

Subsequently, he gained experience at the Unione Cestistica Casalpusterlengo where he had the opportunity to be included in the staff of the under 18 team of Gallinari, Aradori and Poletti, then he returned to Pizzighettone as assistant coach in the first team of C2 and instructor and coach in the youth teams.

Giovanetti had his first experience as head coach in Ombriano (Serie D) and a stint in Orzinuovi as assistant in C1, where he won promotion to Serie B. In 2013 he began a new adventure at Basket Team 1995 Pizzighettone, this time as head coach (still in C2), an activity that he combined with mini-basketball: with “Buddy” at the helm, the club rose to C Gold.

The doors of Vanoli therefore opened for him, where he trained the Under 18 excellence groups and as assistant to the Under 15, continuing his activity as a minibasket instructor and also in primary schools, making hundreds of children play, with the principles of easybasket.

After a break of a couple of seasons, from 2020 to 2024 he is at Bakery Piacenza, where, together with some experience in the Promotion championship with the club’s young players, he is responsible for minibasket. The same role that he will now hold in Pizzighettone.

His approach to basketball is characterized by creating a strong bond with young athletes, to whom he transmits not only technical notions, but also the values ​​of sport and team play. His ability to create a stimulating and fun environment makes him a point of reference for many kids.

The company, which has always been linked to “Buddy” since the time he played with the Basket Team 1995 Pizzighettone uniform, is thrilled to welcome him back and wishes him good luck in his job.

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