Pisces horoscope for today, Thursday, March 23, 2023: predictions for love, work and health

Learn about the predictions and what the horoscope holds for Pisces this Thursday, March 23, 2023 in matters of health, love and money.

  • The Voice online horoscope

Fish he is understanding, compassionate and impressionable. Since he has a high degree of sensitivity, we must be careful not to hurt his susceptibility. Pisces need containment to feel safe: this helps them relax and trust. He needs to believe in something higher, he is empathetic with his environment, he feels love and compassion for all beings on earth, he has a great flow of imagination but, sometimes, he lacks a little will. We can share with him good art, good food and good wine, he has a lot to teach us.

What awaits Pisces on Thursday, March 23

You will be sentimentally regular. But in return for misfortune in love, you will be luckier in the rest of your life.

Pisces in health

Today you can tell the difference between being beautiful on the outside and being beautiful on the inside. Avoid the superficial ones, you will feel better.

pisces in love

You are romantic, sensual and passionate. The doors of love open. If you do not have a partner, you will find someone just for you.

pisces in money

Changes at the door and all for the better. If you have a surplus, do not hesitate to make investments with possibilities of expansion.

Pisces Characteristics

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac.. Its element is water, just like Cancer and Scorpio. People born between February 20 and March 20 belong to the sign of Pisces.

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