“Piranha” robberies in the Nueva Córdoba neighborhood: 4 detainees, one of them is 12 years old

Despite the presentation of a new patrol by the Police that will be in charge of preventive work in the Nueva Córdoba neighborhood area, a few blocks from the center of the Capital, acts of insecurity continue to take place under the modality “piranha robbery”.

In this case, members of the force detained four people at the corner of Bulevard San Juan and Vélez Sársfield, three of them of legal age (18, 19 and 21 years old) and a boy only 12 years old, following detecting that they were carrying carried out in the area group assaults on people on public roads.

  • Everything published regarding piranha robberies in Córdoba

Moments before, in one of the streets of Nueva Córdoba they approached a pedestrian and they stole what he had with himamong other things a cell phone.

The particularity is that they mobilized in a car in which they escaped following stealing, a Chevrolet Astra.

Subsequently, the detainees together with the seized items were transferred to police headquarters, remaining at the disposal of Justice.

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