2023-10-23 19:00:00
The tragic death of the suspended justice section chief Christian Pilnacek on Friday night sparked consternation and emotional debates over the weekend. The Lower Austria State Criminal Police Office is currently investigating the circumstances of the death. An autopsy was therefore ordered.
Former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (VP) linked his obituary on Pilnacek never used these methods.
And Kurz continues: “Although we in Austria like to pride ourselves on being a developed constitutional state that upholds human rights, some are treated as if we were still living in the Middle Ages, where people are pilloried and publicly humiliated.”
Kurz’s posting was criticized on social media for giving the impression that he wanted to use the tragedy surrounding Pilnacek’s death to drum up sentiment for his own cause.
Third day of trial
Kurz is currently having to answer with his former head of cabinet Bernhard Bonelli at the Vienna Criminal Court on charges of making false statements in the Ibiza investigative committee. It is the presumption of innocence. On the third day of the trial, Bonelli’s questioning by the judge is scheduled for Monday. The prosecution accuses Kurz’s confidant of not having truthfully testified regarding the restructuring of the state holding company ÖBAG in the U-committee. The same applies to his role in the composition of the cabinet of former Finance Minister Hartwig Löger (VP). Bonelli denies this and pleads innocent.
Judge Michael Radasztics also has to set the next dates on the third day of the trial. This also concerns the summons to witnesses. Already on Friday there was an agreement between the economic and corruption prosecutor’s office and the defense that ex-ÖBAG board member Thomas Schmid should be questioned as early as possible.
You can read a live blog from the process from 9:30 a.m.
more on the subject
“I don’t have a brain like a noodle sieve” – Kurz took his stand in court for the first time

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