Pillars of Dr. José Rodríguez Escudero at the service of cardiology

Service and joint work in interdisciplinary teams are the key to good patient care in cardiovascular medicine.

Dr. José Rodríguez Escudero, Director of Cardiology, Hospital Pavía – Santurce. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Fabiola Plaza.

With passion and dedication, the Dr. José Rodríguez Escudero, Director of Cardiology, Hospital Pavia – Santurcetalks regarding his specialty and his patients, always worried regarding a service professional and above all that good accompaniment can be made to the patient when detecting cardiovascular disease, he asserts, “everything starts with a good history, a good honest conversation with the patient, to have an idea of ​​his expectations, doing that the doctor/patient relationship grows from the beginning”.

“I always wanted to be a doctor, when I saw my parents I was inspired to study Medicine”, I assure you exclusively to the Revista de Medicine and Public Health, where with a firm and committed voice, he affirms: “My greatest satisfaction in the medical profession is to continue developing and expanding our attention and care platforms for our cardiovascular patients.

Inspired by the power that his work has in the lives of patients and family members who live the process of companions, but above all taking into account the good attention and strengthened support that he offers as a cardiovascular doctor, he affirms, “what most inspires me is the gratitude of patients and family members to the multidisciplinary team effort for the treatment”.

Hand in hand with inspiration, passion and effort, is the sacrifice you make as a doctor within your work and personal lifeseeing the support and accompaniment family as a vital factor that supports the doctor, gives him tools to become a better professional and recognize his emotional intelligence, since he balances his emotions and his work, both within the family environment and his professional impact, being an example and mentor, for his family and for new health professionals.

Prioritize the power of communication between primary care physicians, who are the ones who should accompany the initial stage to the patients, both in treatment and in prevention, and the sub-specialists; the importance of this communication being clear, and above all that day by day it improves in willingness to care and health service with patients, who ultimately are the protagonists of this equation.

The commitment is to fight for optimal care for all its patients. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Fabiola Plaza.

Dr. Rodríguez is a believer in communication between primary and specialized doctors to respond to patients. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Fabiola Plaza.

He emphasized that this goes hand in hand with improving patient navigation between each of the medical and clinical platformsin order to make the patients have a better servicestrengthening interdisciplinary teams, so that coverage for patients is not just a matter of doctors and nurses, but rather the group expands to nutritionists, social workers, administrators, and all necessary personnel that guarantee quality service to the patient .

Professional dedication for his vocation

With his work and dedication, he is ready to recruit new talents and professionals, but also to strengthen and structure new strong multidisciplinary teams that guarantee continuity and full attention to patients.

As a doctor, he is aware of the different obstacles that accompany patients, from the moment of diagnosis to the start of treatment process and even how is the treatment towards patients, in treatment and access to it; he is always looking for mechanisms to bridge the gap that is created between treatments and patients, as they have to navigate clinical platforms that are tedious to go from one place to another.

To the new medical talents and those in the health area, it extends the invitation to guarantee a service from the knowledge of both the hospital, clinic or space where they work, through the knowledge of their patients and the context that is part of their history, and to the knowledge of their work team, extolling the skills and virtues that each member has, and the value they gain in each part of the process of diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and patient care.

Likewise, it exalts the importance that all new professionals in health areas expand their interdisciplinary communication, with professionals who already have experience, background in care and service; Dr. Jose Rodríguez Escudero, as a tutor or mentor, exhorts the knowledge that all specialists or experienced health experts already have so that they offer that knowledge to the new generations, consolidating by saying “Remember that collective success is always more enriching than individual success, especially in the health industry.

Rodríguez Escudero, specialized in interventional cardiology, and current director of cardiology at the Pavia-Santurce hospital, and who since he was a child wanted to be a doctor, an aspect he fulfilled, being surrounded by a family that goes through the professional life of service, from his mother, Ivonne Escudero, a rheumatologist always distinguished for her passion and medical practices, as well as her father, a lawyer and judge graduated from the University of Puerto Rico, who recently celebrated 50 years of work.

Catalogs as more common in cardiovascular diseases, obstructive coronary disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, valvular problems, dilated or hypertrophic heart disease, and arrhythmias; which highlights and emphasizes the attention to these in medical practice from two angles that accompany every medical process: on the one hand, the service vision of the health team and specialists, and also the development of a structured and multidisciplinary team that allows the patient to be offered support in each area that is affected by the diagnosis.

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