Pietro Orlandi: “In London Emanuela was with the ex-NAR Vittorio Baioni”/ “They stayed there for 14 years”

Today Peter Orlandi – brother of 15-year-old Emanuela who mysteriously disappeared into thin air on Vatican territory in 1983 without leaving any trace other than many doubts – spoke in the Verissimo studio to talk once again about his eternal struggle to discover the truth about what happened more than 41 years ago: a battle that he is not yet willing to abandon, continuing to tell you that he is convinced that his little sister is still alive because – he explains to Silvia Toffanin – “otherwise they would have made me find the remains somehow”.

By accusing the institutions – both state and Vatican – of not doing enough to find concrete answers to what happened to Emanuela, Pietro Orlandi is once again emphasizing the so-called English track who would like the girl to be transferred to London by (according to her brother) the Vatican itself which for several months would have even taken care of the girl: a thesis supported by the “famous 5 sheets found inside an American safe” which speak of some “expenses that the Vatican would have sustained for Emanuela” which “were immediately declared false” and completely ignored by the investigators.

The one who spoke to Pietro Orlandi about the papers was – he explains – Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui who also told him of the existence of “a room without windows” hidden under some tombs in which “in 2014 a book was found a box which concerned matters related to Emanuela. She took it to Santa Maria Maggiore where they were creating an archive” and from that moment on all traces of it were lost: the contents of the box are unknown to Pietro – he explains that not even Chaouqui could tell him what it contained -, but for his part he believes that they are “documents” or in the worst case “some remains of Emanuela“.

Pietro Orlandi: “Emanuela’s jailer in London was Vittorio Baioni, he left Rome with her”

To further support the English lead – a disheartened Pietro Orlandi continues to explain on Verissimo – there would also be the testimonies of a person that he has cited several times over the years without naming and who would have personally contacted the brother of the missing 15-year-old: “It is a former Nara friend of people like Fioravanti and others involved in the Bologna massacre – he explains, breaking his silence for the first time – [che] is called Victor Baioni“.

This Baioni – explains and reveals Pietro Orlandi – “contacted me and then disappeared”, he was not aware “of the reasons for the kidnapping” and was only a “management employee, he was there together with others in a nearby apartment and he did small tasks like grocery shopping” for the prisoner girl; but he also revealed to her that he had boarded the same “Rome-London flight” with the 15-year-old and that “remained there until ’97” before being “sent away” and losing track of what had become of the girl.

Baioni’s last act was to “give me the name of another person from his group, Stephen Sderinianother of the NAR” who over the years is said to have made some anonymous phone calls to the family: the latter has never had any contact with Pietro Orlandi and he supposes that currently “he is fugitive in South America“; while on Baioni – questioned by Ansa – he explained that he didn’t even know if he exists or if it was his real name, underlining that he hoped “someone [lo] was looking for”.



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