Pierre Palmade: “child pornography images”, passenger convicted before the accident … the revelations of the last few days

The last few days have been very eventful both for Pierre Palmade and for justice. The information has accumulated at a frantic pace, so much so that it becomes difficult to see clearly. So here is the summary of the revelations of the last days.

On Friday, February 10, Pierre Palmade caused a road accident causing the death of the baby of a pregnant woman who was among the four injured. First of all hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospitalthe actor then went to the digestive surgery service, when his condition improved, on Tuesday 7.

A daily life in the hospital

This Friday, February 17, Pierre Palmade was finally indicted by the examining magistrate, for “manslaughter and involuntary injuries”, indicated the prosecutor of Melun. After being released from custody, he was placed under house arrest in the addictology department of a hospital in Villejuif. Also electronically monitoredhis daily life is closely monitored by the courts while awaiting a new hearing before the investigating chamberin the coming days.

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Pierre Palmade accident: under house arrest in a hospital, what does the actor’s daily life look like?

During the day, the singer is supported by the hospital teams of the addiction service. “It’s a forced weaning” for Pierre Palmade, explains on BFM TV Laure Westphal, teacher at Sciences Po and psychologist at the CHU Paris psychiatry and neurosciences. According to the latter, the medical team will be responsible “to assess the psychiatric risks of the use of all these drugs and also of the accident” of the actor. The objective will therefore be toaccompany the actor in his detox treatment while ensuring the after.

The prosecution is appealing the house arrest decision.

This Saturday, the Melun prosecution appealed the decision of the investigating judge. He has in particular requested remand in custody by Pierre Palmade. The comedian should stay under house arrest for the next few days. More according to information from BFM TVthis decision would be valid for the next six months.

Investigation opened for “possession of child pornography images”

Sunday morning, the news was rocked by new sensational revelations. A man who contacted the police said he had evidence that Pierre Palmade possessed child pornography imagesreports BFM TV.

In reaction, the Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for “possession of child pornography”. Investigators from the Brigade for the protection of minors (BPM) were responsible for the investigations. In the afternoon, the comedian’s home, located in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, was searched for two hours. According BFM TV, several bags containing Pierre Palmade’s personal effects, including a computer, were seized by investigators.

For its part, the man who made the report was interviewed by investigators. The result of the hearing of the accuser who gave the alert is not yet known.

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Pierre Palmade case: his home searched in the investigation for “possession of child pornography images”

The two passengers placed under witness status

After several days of research, the two passengers present in Pierre Palmade’s car at the time of the accident were finally found. Friday, after surrendering for one and being arrested for the other, the two fugitives were presented to an investigating judge for “non-assistance of person in danger”. They are currently placed under assisted witness status.

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One of them, a 33-year-old man, indicated that Pierre Palmade had used designer drugs about half an hour before drivingaccording to information from BFMconfirmed by RTL.

While in police custody, one of the passengers also indicated that his comrade present in the car would have offered Pierre Palmade to take the wheel, but the actor would have refused the proposalstill indicate our colleagues.

One of the passengers was sentenced eight days before the accident

Among the two men, one presented as Sambou G., was not unknown to the policereveals the JDD. In 2021, he had been involved in a previous case, which also concerned Pierre Palmade. Thursday February 2, i.e. eight days before the accident, Sambou G. was given a twelve-month suspended prison sentence. He also had ban on dating the comedian.

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Pierre Palmade accident: one of the passengers was prohibited from contacting the comedian

In this case, which dates back two years, Sambou G. had been placed in police custody and Pierre Palmade heard in free hearing. The latter had notably delivered his relationship to drugs, his addiction and had indicated that he had known Sambou G. since “2007 or 2008”, they were even “regular sexual partners”, had explained the comedian to the investigators. But in this hearing, Pierre Palmade did not present Sambou G. as his dealer, but rather indicated that it was he who “gave him some”.

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