Pierre-Frédéric Nyst (UCM): “Now we need quick wins in Wallonia”

Rewrite the provided article:

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification”: Pierre-Frédéric Nyst sets out the expectations of SMEs and the self-employed.

The UCM’s political comeback was a little late this year. In view of the multiple electoral deadlines and the changing political context, the president of the Union of Middle Classes, Pierre-Frédéric Nyst, procrastinated before deciding on the menu proposed to companies at the different levels of power.

Things are now settling down on the Walloon side and at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, with one of the MR-Les Engagés governments presenting a budget and first reform projects. At the Federal Government, on the other hand, there is always uncertainty. And in Brussels, it is downright institutional crisis that threatens. “I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!” he implores.

The shadow of the rating agencies looms large. And the international context is very tense. Explosive cocktail. “The risk of bankruptcy is increasing, there is almost no growth and we still do not have a federal government”he asks. Before listing the three “enemies” who threaten. A: “Trumpwith its protectionism and the risk that it will unbalance the budgets of our States by pushing us to refinance our Defense.”

Trump is forcing us Europeans to pull ourselves together, to reorganize ourselves. But I don’t believe itbecause France is doing badly and is now financing itself at a rate higher than Greece and Germany is also below everything, with an amateur Chancellor.”

He deplores the eagerness of certain Europeans to open up other markets, in South America for example. “All the employers’ organizations say that we must sign the Mercosur. Not us. But it is necessary look our farmers in the eyes: France will not oppose the agreement and Belgium will therefore not be able to block it.”

Finally, the third “enemy” of companies is found in the Belgian system itself, believes Nyst: “Shortages of reliable people, and therefore training, the excessively high cost of labor and the indexation of wages. Not to mention electronic invoicing and CSRD which arrive…”

“I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Is the absence of a federal government starting to weigh on businesses?

We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift. But there is total uncertainty about how we are going to reform the labor market. Are we going to help businesses? A priori yes, if we are to believe Bart De Wever’s notes which appeared in the press. More flexibility and modernity is positive. But we need to be reassured. On the other hand, we don’t need it to go quickly if it’s to break Belgium.

For the FGTB, Arizona is preparing to break the Belgian model. Your opinion?

No, I don’t fear a “step back”. If we want to change things for Sunday or night work, it is not to annoy the unions, but to correspond to the reality of the market and to be competitive. If being more modern is a step backwards, then I accept that.

Generally speaking, I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized, including the government at certain times. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.

“Should we reform Forem? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Can limiting unemployment benefits to two years address labor shortages?

In our memorandum, we are not in favor of it. But since June 9, I have not heard a single business leader who tells me that we should not do it. The UCM is therefore in reflection. This is a signal measure: being unemployed is not a model, but a temporary safety net. The CPAS will have to play the game. And support the big cities on a budgetary level. We also need to speed up support for job seekers, which Pierre-Yves Jeholet proposed at the Forem level.

The boss of the Walloon FGTB believes that Minister Jeholet should above all take care of the Walloon economy, which does not create enough jobs. All right?

Jean-François Tamellini is right to say that there are indeed checks and warnings, and that sanctions are not everything, but they are necessary! However, sanctions exist on paper, but few in practice. Should Forem be reformed? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?

Raymonde Yerna’s term ends on December 31. Is she the right person to lead Forem and the announced reforms?

Making a clean slate, changing practices and minds is a perilous exercise in the current context. It is therefore better, a priori, to work with the people in place, provided that they give guarantees in relation to the vision that the government wants to develop. If Raymonde Yerna says she wants to play the game, we must continue with her.

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst


More generally, do you see the pivotal reforms promised by the Walloon government coming? Aren’t you disappointed?

I am optimistic. The government was formed very quickly. And he came out with a budget. But now, we need quick wins, something concrete. It’s starting to come, for example with the administrative simplification plan announced by Minister Galant.

But we are aware of budgetary contingencies. Businesses must be aware that they cannot rely on the State to distribute money. In this context, we could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.

But as we saw with the teachers’ strike, the legislature promises to be agitated on a social level.

I was scandalized by this strike. The effort must be collective. Unions spend their time defending permanent contracts for workers in the face of flexi-jobs, but suddenly such a contract becomes a disaster? It’s contradictory. Teachers would benefit from accepting reforms.

Wage indexation will be close to 4% this year. Should we review the mechanism?

Indexing is a beautiful mechanism. Most companies normally have no problem with this. But the system got carried away. During the energy crisis, we obtained a small amount of compensation from the government, but it was insufficient. Of course, the worker’s net salary must continue to be indexed. But the State cannot enrich itself on the backs of businesses. It must be reformed. We are not for its removal, unless the salary margin was no longer imperative.

A new inter-professional agreement will be negotiated at the beginning of 2025. Will there once again be no room for salary increases in the private sector?

We don’t have all the data yet, so it’s difficult to say. It is clear that without debate on the margin, the AIP is like a meal without a main course. Will the unions still want to negotiate on career ends, the Renault law or travel expenses? We are also dependent on a possible government agreement.

File | Social consultation

News on social dialogue between employers, unions and government: latest news, analyses, reports, interviews with social partners…

👉 Our special file dedicated to social consultation.

Key phrases

  • “We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift at the federal level.
  • I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!”
  • Social consultation must be modernized. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.”
  • “We are aware of budgetary contingencies. We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”
  • “We are not not for removing indexingunless the salary margin was no longer imperative.”

into a high-quality, completely original piece for my website.

The rewritten article must:

Be entirely reimagined and rewritten, with no sentences or phrasing resembling

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification”: Pierre-Frédéric Nyst sets out the expectations of SMEs and the self-employed.

The UCM’s political comeback was a little late this year. In view of the multiple electoral deadlines and the changing political context, the president of the Union of Middle Classes, Pierre-Frédéric Nyst, procrastinated before deciding on the menu proposed to companies at the different levels of power.

Things are now settling down on the Walloon side and at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, with one of the MR-Les Engagés governments presenting a budget and first reform projects. At the Federal Government, on the other hand, there is always uncertainty. And in Brussels, it is downright institutional crisis that threatens. “I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!” he implores.

The shadow of the rating agencies looms large. And the international context is very tense. Explosive cocktail. “The risk of bankruptcy is increasing, there is almost no growth and we still do not have a federal government”he asks. Before listing the three “enemies” who threaten. A: “Trumpwith its protectionism and the risk that it will unbalance the budgets of our States by pushing us to refinance our Defense.”

Trump is forcing us Europeans to pull ourselves together, to reorganize ourselves. But I don’t believe itbecause France is doing badly and is now financing itself at a rate higher than Greece and Germany is also below everything, with an amateur Chancellor.”

He deplores the eagerness of certain Europeans to open up other markets, in South America for example. “All the employers’ organizations say that we must sign the Mercosur. Not us. But it is necessary look our farmers in the eyes: France will not oppose the agreement and Belgium will therefore not be able to block it.”

Finally, the third “enemy” of companies is found in the Belgian system itself, believes Nyst: “Shortages of reliable people, and therefore training, the excessively high cost of labor and the indexation of wages. Not to mention electronic invoicing and CSRD which arrive…”

“I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Is the absence of a federal government starting to weigh on businesses?

We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift. But there is total uncertainty about how we are going to reform the labor market. Are we going to help businesses? A priori yes, if we are to believe Bart De Wever’s notes which appeared in the press. More flexibility and modernity is positive. But we need to be reassured. On the other hand, we don’t need it to go quickly if it’s to break Belgium.

For the FGTB, Arizona is preparing to break the Belgian model. Your opinion?

No, I don’t fear a “step back”. If we want to change things for Sunday or night work, it is not to annoy the unions, but to correspond to the reality of the market and to be competitive. If being more modern is a step backwards, then I accept that.

Generally speaking, I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized, including the government at certain times. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.

“Should we reform Forem? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Can limiting unemployment benefits to two years address labor shortages?

In our memorandum, we are not in favor of it. But since June 9, I have not heard a single business leader who tells me that we should not do it. The UCM is therefore in reflection. This is a signal measure: being unemployed is not a model, but a temporary safety net. The CPAS will have to play the game. And support the big cities on a budgetary level. We also need to speed up support for job seekers, which Pierre-Yves Jeholet proposed at the Forem level.

The boss of the Walloon FGTB believes that Minister Jeholet should above all take care of the Walloon economy, which does not create enough jobs. All right?

Jean-François Tamellini is right to say that there are indeed checks and warnings, and that sanctions are not everything, but they are necessary! However, sanctions exist on paper, but few in practice. Should Forem be reformed? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?

Raymonde Yerna’s term ends on December 31. Is she the right person to lead Forem and the announced reforms?

Making a clean slate, changing practices and minds is a perilous exercise in the current context. It is therefore better, a priori, to work with the people in place, provided that they give guarantees in relation to the vision that the government wants to develop. If Raymonde Yerna says she wants to play the game, we must continue with her.

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst


More generally, do you see the pivotal reforms promised by the Walloon government coming? Aren’t you disappointed?

I am optimistic. The government was formed very quickly. And he came out with a budget. But now, we need quick wins, something concrete. It’s starting to come, for example with the administrative simplification plan announced by Minister Galant.

But we are aware of budgetary contingencies. Businesses must be aware that they cannot rely on the State to distribute money. In this context, we could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.

But as we saw with the teachers’ strike, the legislature promises to be agitated on a social level.

I was scandalized by this strike. The effort must be collective. Unions spend their time defending permanent contracts for workers in the face of flexi-jobs, but suddenly such a contract becomes a disaster? It’s contradictory. Teachers would benefit from accepting reforms.

Wage indexation will be close to 4% this year. Should we review the mechanism?

Indexing is a beautiful mechanism. Most companies normally have no problem with this. But the system got carried away. During the energy crisis, we obtained a small amount of compensation from the government, but it was insufficient. Of course, the worker’s net salary must continue to be indexed. But the State cannot enrich itself on the backs of businesses. It must be reformed. We are not for its removal, unless the salary margin was no longer imperative.

A new inter-professional agreement will be negotiated at the beginning of 2025. Will there once again be no room for salary increases in the private sector?

We don’t have all the data yet, so it’s difficult to say. It is clear that without debate on the margin, the AIP is like a meal without a main course. Will the unions still want to negotiate on career ends, the Renault law or travel expenses? We are also dependent on a possible government agreement.

File | Social consultation

News on social dialogue between employers, unions and government: latest news, analyses, reports, interviews with social partners…

👉 Our special file dedicated to social consultation.

Key phrases

  • “We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift at the federal level.
  • I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!”
  • Social consultation must be modernized. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.”
  • “We are aware of budgetary contingencies. We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”
  • “We are not not for removing indexingunless the salary margin was no longer imperative.”

, while maintaining the same key facts, dates, and quotes. The new text should feel completely fresh, naturally flowing, and as if written from scratch by a professional human news editor.
Retain all people’s declarations in quotation marks (” “) exactly as they appear in

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification”: Pierre-Frédéric Nyst sets out the expectations of SMEs and the self-employed.

The UCM’s political comeback was a little late this year. In view of the multiple electoral deadlines and the changing political context, the president of the Union of Middle Classes, Pierre-Frédéric Nyst, procrastinated before deciding on the menu proposed to companies at the different levels of power.

Things are now settling down on the Walloon side and at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, with one of the MR-Les Engagés governments presenting a budget and first reform projects. At the Federal Government, on the other hand, there is always uncertainty. And in Brussels, it is downright institutional crisis that threatens. “I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!” he implores.

The shadow of the rating agencies looms large. And the international context is very tense. Explosive cocktail. “The risk of bankruptcy is increasing, there is almost no growth and we still do not have a federal government”he asks. Before listing the three “enemies” who threaten. A: “Trumpwith its protectionism and the risk that it will unbalance the budgets of our States by pushing us to refinance our Defense.”

Trump is forcing us Europeans to pull ourselves together, to reorganize ourselves. But I don’t believe itbecause France is doing badly and is now financing itself at a rate higher than Greece and Germany is also below everything, with an amateur Chancellor.”

He deplores the eagerness of certain Europeans to open up other markets, in South America for example. “All the employers’ organizations say that we must sign the Mercosur. Not us. But it is necessary look our farmers in the eyes: France will not oppose the agreement and Belgium will therefore not be able to block it.”

Finally, the third “enemy” of companies is found in the Belgian system itself, believes Nyst: “Shortages of reliable people, and therefore training, the excessively high cost of labor and the indexation of wages. Not to mention electronic invoicing and CSRD which arrive…”

“I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Is the absence of a federal government starting to weigh on businesses?

We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift. But there is total uncertainty about how we are going to reform the labor market. Are we going to help businesses? A priori yes, if we are to believe Bart De Wever’s notes which appeared in the press. More flexibility and modernity is positive. But we need to be reassured. On the other hand, we don’t need it to go quickly if it’s to break Belgium.

For the FGTB, Arizona is preparing to break the Belgian model. Your opinion?

No, I don’t fear a “step back”. If we want to change things for Sunday or night work, it is not to annoy the unions, but to correspond to the reality of the market and to be competitive. If being more modern is a step backwards, then I accept that.

Generally speaking, I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized, including the government at certain times. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.

“Should we reform Forem? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Can limiting unemployment benefits to two years address labor shortages?

In our memorandum, we are not in favor of it. But since June 9, I have not heard a single business leader who tells me that we should not do it. The UCM is therefore in reflection. This is a signal measure: being unemployed is not a model, but a temporary safety net. The CPAS will have to play the game. And support the big cities on a budgetary level. We also need to speed up support for job seekers, which Pierre-Yves Jeholet proposed at the Forem level.

The boss of the Walloon FGTB believes that Minister Jeholet should above all take care of the Walloon economy, which does not create enough jobs. All right?

Jean-François Tamellini is right to say that there are indeed checks and warnings, and that sanctions are not everything, but they are necessary! However, sanctions exist on paper, but few in practice. Should Forem be reformed? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?

Raymonde Yerna’s term ends on December 31. Is she the right person to lead Forem and the announced reforms?

Making a clean slate, changing practices and minds is a perilous exercise in the current context. It is therefore better, a priori, to work with the people in place, provided that they give guarantees in relation to the vision that the government wants to develop. If Raymonde Yerna says she wants to play the game, we must continue with her.

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst


More generally, do you see the pivotal reforms promised by the Walloon government coming? Aren’t you disappointed?

I am optimistic. The government was formed very quickly. And he came out with a budget. But now, we need quick wins, something concrete. It’s starting to come, for example with the administrative simplification plan announced by Minister Galant.

But we are aware of budgetary contingencies. Businesses must be aware that they cannot rely on the State to distribute money. In this context, we could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.

But as we saw with the teachers’ strike, the legislature promises to be agitated on a social level.

I was scandalized by this strike. The effort must be collective. Unions spend their time defending permanent contracts for workers in the face of flexi-jobs, but suddenly such a contract becomes a disaster? It’s contradictory. Teachers would benefit from accepting reforms.

Wage indexation will be close to 4% this year. Should we review the mechanism?

Indexing is a beautiful mechanism. Most companies normally have no problem with this. But the system got carried away. During the energy crisis, we obtained a small amount of compensation from the government, but it was insufficient. Of course, the worker’s net salary must continue to be indexed. But the State cannot enrich itself on the backs of businesses. It must be reformed. We are not for its removal, unless the salary margin was no longer imperative.

A new inter-professional agreement will be negotiated at the beginning of 2025. Will there once again be no room for salary increases in the private sector?

We don’t have all the data yet, so it’s difficult to say. It is clear that without debate on the margin, the AIP is like a meal without a main course. Will the unions still want to negotiate on career ends, the Renault law or travel expenses? We are also dependent on a possible government agreement.

File | Social consultation

News on social dialogue between employers, unions and government: latest news, analyses, reports, interviews with social partners…

👉 Our special file dedicated to social consultation.

Key phrases

  • “We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift at the federal level.
  • I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!”
  • Social consultation must be modernized. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.”
  • “We are aware of budgetary contingencies. We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”
  • “We are not not for removing indexingunless the salary margin was no longer imperative.”

, incorporating them naturally into the rewritten text.
Preserve all original HTML tags from

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification”: Pierre-Frédéric Nyst sets out the expectations of SMEs and the self-employed.

The UCM’s political comeback was a little late this year. In view of the multiple electoral deadlines and the changing political context, the president of the Union of Middle Classes, Pierre-Frédéric Nyst, procrastinated before deciding on the menu proposed to companies at the different levels of power.

Things are now settling down on the Walloon side and at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, with one of the MR-Les Engagés governments presenting a budget and first reform projects. At the Federal Government, on the other hand, there is always uncertainty. And in Brussels, it is downright institutional crisis that threatens. “I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!” he implores.

The shadow of the rating agencies looms large. And the international context is very tense. Explosive cocktail. “The risk of bankruptcy is increasing, there is almost no growth and we still do not have a federal government”he asks. Before listing the three “enemies” who threaten. A: “Trumpwith its protectionism and the risk that it will unbalance the budgets of our States by pushing us to refinance our Defense.”

Trump is forcing us Europeans to pull ourselves together, to reorganize ourselves. But I don’t believe itbecause France is doing badly and is now financing itself at a rate higher than Greece and Germany is also below everything, with an amateur Chancellor.”

He deplores the eagerness of certain Europeans to open up other markets, in South America for example. “All the employers’ organizations say that we must sign the Mercosur. Not us. But it is necessary look our farmers in the eyes: France will not oppose the agreement and Belgium will therefore not be able to block it.”

Finally, the third “enemy” of companies is found in the Belgian system itself, believes Nyst: “Shortages of reliable people, and therefore training, the excessively high cost of labor and the indexation of wages. Not to mention electronic invoicing and CSRD which arrive…”

“I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Is the absence of a federal government starting to weigh on businesses?

We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift. But there is total uncertainty about how we are going to reform the labor market. Are we going to help businesses? A priori yes, if we are to believe Bart De Wever’s notes which appeared in the press. More flexibility and modernity is positive. But we need to be reassured. On the other hand, we don’t need it to go quickly if it’s to break Belgium.

For the FGTB, Arizona is preparing to break the Belgian model. Your opinion?

No, I don’t fear a “step back”. If we want to change things for Sunday or night work, it is not to annoy the unions, but to correspond to the reality of the market and to be competitive. If being more modern is a step backwards, then I accept that.

Generally speaking, I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized, including the government at certain times. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.

“Should we reform Forem? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Can limiting unemployment benefits to two years address labor shortages?

In our memorandum, we are not in favor of it. But since June 9, I have not heard a single business leader who tells me that we should not do it. The UCM is therefore in reflection. This is a signal measure: being unemployed is not a model, but a temporary safety net. The CPAS will have to play the game. And support the big cities on a budgetary level. We also need to speed up support for job seekers, which Pierre-Yves Jeholet proposed at the Forem level.

The boss of the Walloon FGTB believes that Minister Jeholet should above all take care of the Walloon economy, which does not create enough jobs. All right?

Jean-François Tamellini is right to say that there are indeed checks and warnings, and that sanctions are not everything, but they are necessary! However, sanctions exist on paper, but few in practice. Should Forem be reformed? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?

Raymonde Yerna’s term ends on December 31. Is she the right person to lead Forem and the announced reforms?

Making a clean slate, changing practices and minds is a perilous exercise in the current context. It is therefore better, a priori, to work with the people in place, provided that they give guarantees in relation to the vision that the government wants to develop. If Raymonde Yerna says she wants to play the game, we must continue with her.

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst


More generally, do you see the pivotal reforms promised by the Walloon government coming? Aren’t you disappointed?

I am optimistic. The government was formed very quickly. And he came out with a budget. But now, we need quick wins, something concrete. It’s starting to come, for example with the administrative simplification plan announced by Minister Galant.

But we are aware of budgetary contingencies. Businesses must be aware that they cannot rely on the State to distribute money. In this context, we could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.

But as we saw with the teachers’ strike, the legislature promises to be agitated on a social level.

I was scandalized by this strike. The effort must be collective. Unions spend their time defending permanent contracts for workers in the face of flexi-jobs, but suddenly such a contract becomes a disaster? It’s contradictory. Teachers would benefit from accepting reforms.

Wage indexation will be close to 4% this year. Should we review the mechanism?

Indexing is a beautiful mechanism. Most companies normally have no problem with this. But the system got carried away. During the energy crisis, we obtained a small amount of compensation from the government, but it was insufficient. Of course, the worker’s net salary must continue to be indexed. But the State cannot enrich itself on the backs of businesses. It must be reformed. We are not for its removal, unless the salary margin was no longer imperative.

A new inter-professional agreement will be negotiated at the beginning of 2025. Will there once again be no room for salary increases in the private sector?

We don’t have all the data yet, so it’s difficult to say. It is clear that without debate on the margin, the AIP is like a meal without a main course. Will the unions still want to negotiate on career ends, the Renault law or travel expenses? We are also dependent on a possible government agreement.

File | Social consultation

News on social dialogue between employers, unions and government: latest news, analyses, reports, interviews with social partners…

👉 Our special file dedicated to social consultation.

Key phrases

  • “We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift at the federal level.
  • I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!”
  • Social consultation must be modernized. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.”
  • “We are aware of budgetary contingencies. We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”
  • “We are not not for removing indexingunless the salary margin was no longer imperative.”

, including those for images, photos, videos, embeds (e.g., Instagram, X/Twitter), and other multimedia elements, and ensure they are correctly positioned in the rewritten article.
Write with a human-like tone and style, avoiding repetitive phrasing, robotic patterns, or overly formal language. Use creative yet professional language, focusing on engaging and authentic storytelling.
Follow Associated Press (AP) guidelines for style, clarity, and professionalism, including proper use of numbers, punctuation, and attribution.
Be optimized for SEO, using structured HTML tags (H1, H2, H3) and adhering to Google’s E-E-A-T standards. Write a new, keyword-optimized headline that feels natural and engaging.
Exclude all references to the original source or publication, ensuring no identifiable details about

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification”: Pierre-Frédéric Nyst sets out the expectations of SMEs and the self-employed.

The UCM’s political comeback was a little late this year. In view of the multiple electoral deadlines and the changing political context, the president of the Union of Middle Classes, Pierre-Frédéric Nyst, procrastinated before deciding on the menu proposed to companies at the different levels of power.

Things are now settling down on the Walloon side and at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, with one of the MR-Les Engagés governments presenting a budget and first reform projects. At the Federal Government, on the other hand, there is always uncertainty. And in Brussels, it is downright institutional crisis that threatens. “I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!” he implores.

The shadow of the rating agencies looms large. And the international context is very tense. Explosive cocktail. “The risk of bankruptcy is increasing, there is almost no growth and we still do not have a federal government”he asks. Before listing the three “enemies” who threaten. A: “Trumpwith its protectionism and the risk that it will unbalance the budgets of our States by pushing us to refinance our Defense.”

Trump is forcing us Europeans to pull ourselves together, to reorganize ourselves. But I don’t believe itbecause France is doing badly and is now financing itself at a rate higher than Greece and Germany is also below everything, with an amateur Chancellor.”

He deplores the eagerness of certain Europeans to open up other markets, in South America for example. “All the employers’ organizations say that we must sign the Mercosur. Not us. But it is necessary look our farmers in the eyes: France will not oppose the agreement and Belgium will therefore not be able to block it.”

Finally, the third “enemy” of companies is found in the Belgian system itself, believes Nyst: “Shortages of reliable people, and therefore training, the excessively high cost of labor and the indexation of wages. Not to mention electronic invoicing and CSRD which arrive…”

“I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Is the absence of a federal government starting to weigh on businesses?

We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift. But there is total uncertainty about how we are going to reform the labor market. Are we going to help businesses? A priori yes, if we are to believe Bart De Wever’s notes which appeared in the press. More flexibility and modernity is positive. But we need to be reassured. On the other hand, we don’t need it to go quickly if it’s to break Belgium.

For the FGTB, Arizona is preparing to break the Belgian model. Your opinion?

No, I don’t fear a “step back”. If we want to change things for Sunday or night work, it is not to annoy the unions, but to correspond to the reality of the market and to be competitive. If being more modern is a step backwards, then I accept that.

Generally speaking, I don’t think that Arizona calls into question social consultation. But it must be modernized, including the government at certain times. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.

“Should we reform Forem? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst

President of the UCM

Can limiting unemployment benefits to two years address labor shortages?

In our memorandum, we are not in favor of it. But since June 9, I have not heard a single business leader who tells me that we should not do it. The UCM is therefore in reflection. This is a signal measure: being unemployed is not a model, but a temporary safety net. The CPAS will have to play the game. And support the big cities on a budgetary level. We also need to speed up support for job seekers, which Pierre-Yves Jeholet proposed at the Forem level.

The boss of the Walloon FGTB believes that Minister Jeholet should above all take care of the Walloon economy, which does not create enough jobs. All right?

Jean-François Tamellini is right to say that there are indeed checks and warnings, and that sanctions are not everything, but they are necessary! However, sanctions exist on paper, but few in practice. Should Forem be reformed? Maybe. Only 25% of its 4,200 employees are in contact with job seekers. What are the others doing?

Raymonde Yerna’s term ends on December 31. Is she the right person to lead Forem and the announced reforms?

Making a clean slate, changing practices and minds is a perilous exercise in the current context. It is therefore better, a priori, to work with the people in place, provided that they give guarantees in relation to the vision that the government wants to develop. If Raymonde Yerna says she wants to play the game, we must continue with her.

“We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”

Pierre-Frédéric Nyst


More generally, do you see the pivotal reforms promised by the Walloon government coming? Aren’t you disappointed?

I am optimistic. The government was formed very quickly. And he came out with a budget. But now, we need quick wins, something concrete. It’s starting to come, for example with the administrative simplification plan announced by Minister Galant.

But we are aware of budgetary contingencies. Businesses must be aware that they cannot rely on the State to distribute money. In this context, we could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.

But as we saw with the teachers’ strike, the legislature promises to be agitated on a social level.

I was scandalized by this strike. The effort must be collective. Unions spend their time defending permanent contracts for workers in the face of flexi-jobs, but suddenly such a contract becomes a disaster? It’s contradictory. Teachers would benefit from accepting reforms.

Wage indexation will be close to 4% this year. Should we review the mechanism?

Indexing is a beautiful mechanism. Most companies normally have no problem with this. But the system got carried away. During the energy crisis, we obtained a small amount of compensation from the government, but it was insufficient. Of course, the worker’s net salary must continue to be indexed. But the State cannot enrich itself on the backs of businesses. It must be reformed. We are not for its removal, unless the salary margin was no longer imperative.

A new inter-professional agreement will be negotiated at the beginning of 2025. Will there once again be no room for salary increases in the private sector?

We don’t have all the data yet, so it’s difficult to say. It is clear that without debate on the margin, the AIP is like a meal without a main course. Will the unions still want to negotiate on career ends, the Renault law or travel expenses? We are also dependent on a possible government agreement.

File | Social consultation

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Key phrases

  • “We need a direction, a framework, a partner government. The fog must lift at the federal level.
  • I am very afraid for Brussels. Don’t leave the economic world in such uncertainty!”
  • Social consultation must be modernized. And by focusing it on certain subjects, within a certain time frame and within a defined budgetary framework.”
  • “We are aware of budgetary contingencies. We could be satisfied with a stable political landscape and real administrative simplification.”
  • “We are not not for removing indexingunless the salary margin was no longer imperative.”

Be between 800–1,200 words long, with clear subheadings for readability.
Provide only the final rewritten article text with all original HTML tags properly retained and integrated. Ensure the content reads naturally, as if written by a skilled human journalist, with no robotic tone or AI-like repetition. Do not include any notes, explanations, or commentary.

According to‍ Pierre-Frédéric​ Nyst, what could be⁤ the impact of the upcoming inter-professional agreement negotiations in 2025 on‍ salary increases and ⁢what other aspects ‍should be discussed during these negotiations?

The provided text contains an interview with Pierre-Frédéric Nyst, the president of the UCM, discussing various topics related to the Walloon economy and labor market.

Here are some key points from the interview:

* **Reform of Forem:** Nyst believes Forem, the ‍Walloon Employment agency, may need ‌to be reformed. He⁤ points out that ⁤only 25% ​of its 4,200 employees are directly in contact with ‌job seekers, questioning the role of the remaining staff.

* **Limiting unemployment benefits:** While the UCM is not in favor of limiting unemployment benefits to two years, Nyst acknowledges that it’s ‌a measure supported by many business leaders. He sees it as a signal that being unemployed should be temporary and encourages faster support for job seekers.

* **Walloon Government’s Reforms:** ⁤Nyst expresses optimism about the new Walloon ‌government’s reform efforts, particularly regarding administrative simplification. He emphasizes the need for concrete, quick wins‍ to showcase progress.

* **Teachers’ strike:** Nyst criticizes the recent ⁣teachers’ strike, calling it contradictory given unions’ usual stance on​ permanent⁤ contracts. He argues‍ for collective effort and the acceptance of‍ necessary reforms.

* **Wage indexation:** While supporting‍ the principle of wage indexation, Nyst believes‍ it needs reform. He argues ⁢that the ​mechanism has become excessive and negatively impacts businesses. He suggests a discussion on reforming the indexation system.

* **Inter-professional agreement:** Nyst anticipates‍ that the upcoming inter-professional agreement negotiations in 2025 might again be limited in terms of salary increases due to budgetary constraints. He emphasizes the ⁢importance of discussions on other aspects like career endings and‍ travel expenses.

the interview highlights Nyst’s views on various pressing economic and social issues⁤ in Wallonia. He advocates for‌ pragmatic solutions, balance between social partners, and a focus on concrete reforms.

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