Pierin Vincenz defends himself – La Liberté

Banks “On the first day of a trial which should have nine in total, until March 23, only the former general manager of Raiffeisen was questioned. “I don’t feel like I did anything criminal,” he said at the end of the hearing. If he spent tens of thousands of francs on expensive wines and on trips, it was “out of generosity for possible customers”.

At the Volkshaus in Zurich, the decor placed on a real stage could be that of a play: six tables entirely draped in white, a piece of furniture containing red federal filing cabinets, and five characters facing the audience. Except that they are judges of the District Court of Zurich, and that, in fact of public, three prosecutors and approximately forty lawyers surround seven defendants. In the second part of the room, an equivalent number of journalists follow the exchanges.

It is here that the trial against the former boss of Raiffeisen, Pierin Vincenz (65), his adviser Beat S

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