Piepoli Institute Poll, Meloni Soars. The Data That Sweeps Away Sinister Theories –

Gabriel Imperial

New polls, same situation. Fratelli d’Italia confirms itself as the leading party and gains consensus, the center-right continues to dominate the preferences of Italians, the opposition is stable and the center of Calenda and Renzi is increasingly in the abyss. This is the picture painted by the latest poll by the Piepoli Institute broadcast during the episode of Omnibus on La 7. Giorgia Meloni continues to convince voters: her party settles at 28.5% and records half a percentage point more than the last survey. The center-right is smiling with Matteo Salvini’s League stable at 8% and Forza Italia instead losing 0.5% but still remaining at 8.5%. Noi moderateti instead closes at 1%.

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The situation is different in the center-left camp with Elly Schlein’s Democratic Party losing half a percentage point but remaining above 22% (22.5%). Giuseppe Conte and his Five Star Movement, despite internal tensions with founder Beppe Grillo, stable at 11%. Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra gains 0.5%: it has 6.5% of the consensus. The center of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda is doing badly, together reaching just 6%, far from the results achieved during the 2022 elections. The only one of the two parties to gain in the poll is Azione, which recovers half a percentage point but still stops below the 4% threshold (3.5%). + Europa instead stable at 2.5%. Among the other parties, Michele Santoro’s movement loses half a point: Peace, Earth and Dignity stops at 1.5%. Same result for South calls North.

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Trust in leaders makes Giorgia Meloni rejoice twice: despite the point lost compared to the previous survey, she is the leader that voters trust the most. The second in the ranking is once again a representative of the center-right: Antonio Tajani of Forza Italia is in fact only 10 points behind Meloni (33 points). Giuseppe Conte and Elly Schlein are tied in the ranking: the two main opposition leaders are in fact tied in third place with 31 points. Matteo Salvini is instead fourth with 29 points. The other leaders are distant: Nicola Frattoianni and Angelo Bonelli, also tied, reach 22 points. Carlo Calenda instead overtakes his former ally Matteo Renzi by 4 points, remaining at 20 points. Last in the ranking is Riccardo Magi with 15 points.

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2024-08-26 22:01:16



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