Piecing Together a Shared Future

Piecing Together a Shared Future

The Nafpaktos Federation announces the following, regarding the offshore wind farm in Patraikos:

Recently, there has been a storm of reactions to the installation of an offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Patras, both from the region of western Greece and from the municipalities of Patras and Etoloakarnania.

We congratulate the initiative of the joint meeting, perhaps for the first time, of all the mayors and metropolitans of Aetoloakarnania with the aim of drawing joint actions against the unregulated development of wind and photovoltaic parks in our country, especially in recent years, which is done without specific planning and absence of local communities.

Of course, there are question marks about the reaction time, if we calculate that the specific issue came out for public consultation in November 2023, the Municipality of Nafpaktia had relevant information ; The Federation of Professionals of Nafpaktia and Dorida, awaiting full information from the Municipality of Nafpaktia, stands in solidarity in any form of joint reaction with all its bodies and Municipalities, the established competition committee and especially with the associations of professional fishermen who naturally have to leave their profession .

It is an opportunity for the first time, with the massive reaction of the local community, to realize and demand, on serious issues, that our point of view be taken into account, the particularities of the region, but also for the specific issue, for which there are reactions throughout the Greece, to have, after consultation with the agencies involved, a national spatial planning plan on the basis of which any decisions on the development of such energy parks will be launched.

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#congratulate #initiative #joint #meeting.. #question #marks
Analysis of the Controversy Surrounding the Offshore Wind Farm in Patraikos

In a recent announcement, the Nafpaktos Federation expressed its stance on the installation of an offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Patras, which has sparked intense reactions from various municipalities in Western Greece, particularly Patras and Etoloakarnania. The controversy highlights concerns over unregulated development of renewable energy projects, such as wind and photovoltaic parks, in Greece.

The reaction is not unique to this specific project. In fact, the Nafpaktia Wind Farm, a 43.2MW onshore wind power project planned in Western Greece, has likely faced similar concerns from local communities [[1]]. Moreover, existing wind parks in the region, such as the Kouromantri and Riganolakas Wind Parks at Nafpaktos, and the Louzes Angathaki Rigane wind farm, may have served as reference points for the current debate [[2]] [[3]].

At the heart of the controversy is the perceived lack of planning and consultation with local communities. The Nafpaktos Federation praises the initiative of a joint meeting of mayors and metropolitans from Aetoloakarnania to develop a unified response to the unregulated growth of wind and photovoltaic parks in the country. The lack of specific planning and the absence of local communities in decision-making processes have likely contributed to the widespread dissatisfaction.

While the benefits of renewable energy projects are undeniable, it is essential to address the concerns of local communities. The controversy surrounding the offshore wind farm in Patraikos serves as a reminder of the need for transparency, public engagement, and effective planning in the development of such projects. Ultimately, finding a balance between sustainable energy goals and the interests of local communities is crucial for the successful implementation of these initiatives.


[1] https://www.power-technology.com/data-insights/power-plant-profile-nafpaktia-wind-farm-greece/

[2] http://www.ateneia.gr/portfoliopage/kouromantri-riganolakas-wind-parks/

[3] https://www.gem.wiki/LouzesAngathakiRiganewind_farm



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