Pictures.. France chooses its beauty queen

Miss Guadeloupe, she lives "Daydreaming" After receiving the Silver and Blue Crowns from former title holder Diane Lair.

During the competition, Ambio advocated for the injured women with cancerencouraged France national team In football ahead of Sunday’s match once morest Argentina in Qatar World Cup final 2022, she concluded with the phrase "Go Blues!" Famous cheerleader for a national team "roosters".

This year’s competition witnessed a relaxation of the eligibility conditions required for the contestants, following it was previously required that they be between the ages of 18 and 24 years, that their height should not be less than 1.70 meters, and that they be without children.

However, according to the new conditions, any French woman aged 18 years and over can participate in the competition, without any condition related to the length of the list or family status.

It is also allowed to exist tattoos Appeared on the body for the first time in the history of the ancient competition.

The aesthetic evening included, as usual, a show للموحاب And offers different clothes, from evening dresses and beachwear.

However, changes to the eligibility requirements did not completely quell the criticism, with the French feminist group Osez le féminisme describing the changes as "White paint on a crumbling wall".


Ambio said and she Miss Guadeloupe, she is living her “daydream” following receiving the Silver and Blue Crown from former title holder Diane Lair.

During the competition, Ambio advocated for the injured women with cancerencouraged France national team In football ahead of Sunday’s match once morest Argentina in Qatar World Cup final 2022, concluding with “Allez les Bleus!” The famous cheerleader for the “Roosters” team.

This year’s competition witnessed a relaxation of the eligibility conditions required for the contestants, following it was previously required that they be between the ages of 18 and 24 years, that their height should not be less than 1.70 meters, and that they be without children.

However, according to the new conditions, any French woman aged 18 years and over can participate in the competition, without any condition related to the length of the list or family status.

It is also allowed to exist tattoos Appeared on the body for the first time in the history of the ancient competition.

The aesthetic evening included, as usual, a show للموحاب And offers different clothes, from evening dresses and beachwear.

However, changes to the eligibility requirements did not completely quell the criticism, with the French feminist group Osez le féminisme describing the changes as “white paint on a crumbling wall”.



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