Picture of the teenager who killed his grandmother, a teacher, 14 students and injured 15 in Texas

The picture is the first of an American teenager, named Salvador Ramos, 18 years old, who killed his grandmother on Tuesday morning, according to what was reported in the local media, then Attacked at noon school He was a student at Robb Elementary Elementary in Uvalde, southern Texas, killing a teacher and 14 students, and wounding 15 others.

Among the wounded was a woman of approximately 66 years old, who may be a teacher, but her condition is “critical”, according to what Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced in a press conference, in which he stated that Ramos of Latin origin entered the school with a pistol, perhaps with a rifle, and that members of the police confronted him with bullets and killed him.

The US National Counter-Terrorism Center ruled out the existence of clear terrorist backgrounds for the attack, which quickly resonated with President Joe Biden, according to a tweet written by White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre on Twitter, in which she said that he would deliver a speech at 8:15 pm, Washington time yesterday, after He returned from a trip that included South Korea and Japan.

From what has been known about the attacker so far, that he is a local resident and acted alone, and that he left his car near the school located in the neighborhood of its humble inhabitants, and its area is 120 kilometers from the border with Mexico, a school with 500 students, ages 7 to 10 Years.

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