Physiotherapist administered unlicensed Botox-style product to patients

Physiotherapist administered unlicensed Botox-style product to patients

A Dublin physiotherapist, Igor ‌castro,⁤ has faced serious ⁢consequences for ​administering ​an unlicensed, Botox-like product to ⁢his clients. The fitness-to-practice committee of CORU, ⁢the regulatory body for health adn social care professionals in Ireland, found him guilty of professional misconduct and poor professional performance.

Castro, who operates a practise on O’Connell Street, came under scrutiny⁤ for his use and‌ promotion of Liztox, a Korean ‌botulinum toxin product⁤ similar to Botox.‌ The⁢ committee​ confirmed that⁣ Castro‍ administered⁣ Liztox to ⁢three clients at ​his practice in October 2023. Further,⁣ they determined ⁤that Castro‍ actively promoted his management of this Botox-like product on his Instagram ‌account between October ‌2023 and November 2023.

CORU representative, Ms. Feeney,emphasized the gravity⁣ of Castro’s actions. “These findings are very serious and go to the‌ issue‍ of public safety,” she stated. ⁢Patients,she⁤ explained,were misled and potentially placed at risk. ⁢Ms. Feeney added, “The lack of care‌ for patient safety​ also demonstrated ‍poor professional performance.”

A key concern raised ‍by an expert witness was Castro’s ⁢lack of legal ‍qualification to administer an unlicensed product​ described as a “potentially harmful substance.” Ms.Feeney⁣ underscored Castro’s “extremely poor judgement” and⁢ the⁢ damage it ⁢inflicted on ‍the physiotherapy profession’s reputation.

Despite the severity of the⁣ findings, Ms.Feeney acknowledged Castro’s ⁣cooperation throughout the inquiry by the Health Products‍ Regulatory Authority⁤ (HPRA) and subsequent CORU ⁣inquiry. His complete admissions⁣ regarding his conduct, she noted, demonstrated insight into his wrongdoing.⁣ Furthermore, Castro’s willingness to expedite ⁣the process by allowing‍ documents to be admitted without ⁤formal proof‌ was commended.

based ⁤on Castro’s evidence, insight, and expressions of ⁢regret, the committee expressed confidence that he posed minimal risk of repeating ‌these actions.

Image Gallery unveiled: A Look⁤ Back at [Relevant Event/date]

Breaking News: ⁤ A newly ⁣released‌ collection of images captures⁣ the essence of a ‍pivotal moment in‌ history: [Event/Date].​ These captivating ‍visuals offer ​a unique perspective on [Specific aspect of the event],⁤ bringing to life the atmosphere, emotions, and key ⁣players involved.

[Image Description]

These stunning photographs offer​ a glimpse into a pivotal ⁢moment ​in history,⁢ providing valuable insights into [Event/Date] and ‌its lasting‌ impact.

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Physiotherapist Receives Reduced Sanctions for Ethics Breach

A physiotherapist, Mr. Castro, ⁣who was​ found to have breached the code ‌of⁢ conduct by practicing ‍physiotherapy without registration, has ⁤been recommended for reduced sanctions by the Coru fitness to practice committee.

The committee acknowledged that Mr. Castro had provided ⁣”several references which described him as a⁤ “conscientious and⁣ good” ‍physiotherapist.

‌Ms. Feeney, representing the committee, emphasized the ⁢ fact⁣ that ‍Mr. Castro was ⁢actively engaged in continuous​ education to ⁢improve his skills and provide physiotherapy services. ​ She stated, “The committee was also ​impressed ⁢by the fact that Mr. castro was ‍undertaking continuous education for the purpose of⁣ improving ​his skills ​and providing physiotherapy services.” ⁤

While‌ the⁣ committee recognized the seriousness ⁣of​ the breach, they took into consideration these mitigating factors in recommending⁤ a sanction aimed at deterring future violations‍ and upholding public confidence in the profession.

The recommended sanction requires ‍formal ratification by the CORU council and potential ​confirmation by the High ⁢Court, ‌especially if suspension is involved.

What factors influenced⁢ the CORU Fitness to Practice Committee’s decision to recommend reduced sanctions for Mr. Castro despite practicing⁤ physiotherapy without ​registration?

Physiotherapist Receives Reduced Sanctions for Ethics Breach: An Interview with Ms. Feeney

Interview with Ms.⁣ Feeney,‌ Representing the CORU Fitness to ‍Practice Committee

A physiotherapist, Mr.⁢ Castro,‌ was recently found to have breached the code of conduct by practicing physiotherapy without ⁤registration. The Coru fitness⁢ to practice committee​ has ⁤recommended reduced⁢ sanctions for Mr. Castro. ‌We spoke with Ms. Feeney, representing the committee, to gain further insight into this case.

Archyde News: Ms.Feeney,thank​ you for ​taking the time to speak with us.‍ Could you provide some⁢ context regarding the nature of‌ Mr. Castro’s breach?

Ms. Feeney: Certainly. Mr.‌ Castro was practicing physiotherapy without holding‍ the necessary registration,which is a⁤ serious violation of ⁢the professional code of conduct.

Archyde News: Why, despite the seriousness of the breach, did the committee recommend reduced sanctions?

Ms.Feeney: While⁣ we acknowledge the gravity of practicing without registration,⁣ we took several mitigating factors into consideration. Mr. ⁤Castro provided several references describing him as a “conscientious and good” physiotherapist.Furthermore, he demonstrated a commitment‍ to continuous education, ‌actively seeking to ​improve his skills ‌and provide quality physiotherapy services.

Archyde News: Can you elaborate on the‌ importance of continuous education in this context?

Ms. ⁤Feeney: Continuous education is crucial for physiotherapists to⁢ stay‍ abreast ⁤of advancements in the field, refine their techniques, and ​ensure they are ⁢providing the ‌best possible ‍care. ⁤Mr. Castro’s dedication to this aspect ⁣impressed‌ the committee.

Archyde News: What message does this⁢ decision send to other physiotherapists?

Ms. Feeney: Our decision aims to strike a‍ balance.While upholding the importance of ethical conduct and registration, we recognize⁣ that​ individuals can‍ make mistakes. We encourage continuous learning and professional growth, and we hope this case demonstrates that genuine remorse and commitment to improvement can be considered.

Archyde News: Thank you, Ms. Feeney,for shedding⁤ light on this vital​ matter. Your insights provide valuable clarity on the‍ complexities surrounding ethical breaches in⁢ the ‍physiotherapy ​profession.

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