Physical exercise: Why is physical exercise an ally to fight cancer? | Present

Improving the side effects associated with treatments and reducing the chances of suffering a relapse are some of the benefits of practicing regularly physical exercise and help the evolution of the disease.

The practice of physical exercise not only contributes to disease progressionbut to the Cancer prevention, because approximately half of cancers might be prevented by avoiding exposure to certain substances in the diet and in the environment, as well as by improving our diet and Lifestyle.

The obesitywhich is the consequence of chronic excessive energy consumption and insufficient exercise, is one of the factors associated with an increased risk of suffering from thirteen different types of cancer.

It is precisely the physical exercise the way to prevent the appearance of these types of cancer, while also reducing chronic inflammation in the tissues and strengthens the immune systemat the same time that it makes the natural killersthe lymphocytes that are in the first line of defense, are more aggressive in eliminating viruses, pathogens and tumor cells.

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The physical activity it also improves resistance to insulin sensitivity, and also helps to improve the effects associated with cancer before, during and at the end of treatment, as in the case of patients with prostate cancer, in whom the physical exercise acts to prevent the development of secondary effects and to reduce mortality.



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