Physical exercise to increase muscle mass: How long should I do physical exercise to increase muscle mass? | Trends

gain muscle mass is one of the challenges for people with a slim build and others who need to lift weights to get to the right weight.

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According to experts, doing exercise with weights It will help reduce the risk of diseases caused by the sedentary lifestyleand both to maintain and to increase muscle mass to feel satisfied with their physical appearance.

The World Health Organization recommended to people looking increase muscle mass, perform physical exercise with weights below 150 minuteI am in a while maximum of 75 minutesfor Strengthen muscles and taking into account that practicing it on a regular basis also leads to an increase in the size, power and endurance of the muscular system.

The orientation of a professional in a program of physical exercise is important for guarantee of results, because the use of weights It also stimulates the work of joints to improve the flexibility and the Balance.

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