Physical exercise how to do: How to avoid excesses with daily physical exercise? | Present

There are many benefits generated by performing physical exercise daily but overdoing your training can be just as harmful as doing nothing, because it can slow down your metabolism because your body will try to preserve its energy, causing you to burn fewer calories.

Furthermore, increasing the intensity of the physical activity without sufficient breaks can stimulate the cortisol releasea stress hormone linked to weight gain.

Therefore, it is important to know the recommended times to perform physical exercise and get the desired results. Experts believe that limiting your intense training regimen to three or four days a week, taking a day or two off will help keep a good physical condition and prevent the onset of disease.

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For adults between the ages of 19 and 64, they recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, and including two or three strength sessions for those who want increase muscle mass

It is important to remember that perseverance offers the best results and that excesses of physical exercise can cause dehydration, severe injuries and even rhabdomyolysisa situation that occurs when muscle tissue breaks down, causing muscle fibers to enter the bloodstream, with the risk of damaging the liver.

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