Physical exercise and its link to our well-being

2024-08-02 06:00:09

When we engage in physical activity, brain and mood changes occur that make us feel better. To understand why this happens, we asked expert Ana Isabel Sanz.

latest update: August 2, 2024

At a time when mental health concerns are becoming more and more important, The role of physical exercise as a source of well-being becomes more evident. Many people are looking for alternatives to exercise, be active, prevent disease, and relieve stress.

However, is physical activity really good for mental health? To unravel the mystery, we spoke to psychiatrist and psychotherapist Anna Isabel Sands.

Why does physical exercise contribute to our well-being?

According to research, Only one day of physical activity per week Enough to improve overall well-being. In other words, training changes more than just the body. And it also has a direct impact on emotional health.

Dr. Sands, DirectorIpsias Psychiatric Institute,explain “Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, thereby improving overall performance and areas of the brain associated with emotion.” At the same time, based on expert narratives, we also know that Physical activity stimulates the production of neurotransmitters beneficial to mental health.

Among these neurotransmitters, endorphins deserve special mention. These are small proteins that regulate mood and block pain. That is, they have analgesic properties.

The more we exercise, The more endorphins circulate in the blood. Increasing its concentration in the blood can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

But its effects are not limited to the neurotransmitters already mentioned. As Ana Isabel Sanz explains, ‘l’enhancement Cardiac activity also leads to an increase in norepinephrine, which has a positive impact on energy and mood.”

According to experts, in addition to this, we must add another fact: Training can reduce inflammation of neural tissue. Therefore, the lower the nerve inflammation, the lower the risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression.

Are some sports better for our mental health than others?

There is no agreed-upon answer as to what is the ideal movement to achieve happiness. In fact, the perception of happiness is very subjective and varies from person to person.

However, Dr. Sanz, Director of the Department of Psychiatry at the Plaza Dionisia Rehabilitation Center in Madrid, tells us which physical activities can be recommended depending on our background or personality:

Team sports provide a very useful social element Reduce Isolation and Build Social Skills If we live a sedentary lifestyle and want to start moving to feel better, The most appropriate approach is to take less impactful measures. In these cases, walking, Pilates, yoga and swimming are ideal, as are, for example, modified boxing or boxing training. Ability to release anger and muscle tension. This is not a subject for everyone. But it can be started after a period of physical preparation and contact with nature. Make up for too much digital experience. Especially for the younger generation or digital natives. Returning to our feelings, touch, and breath contributes to emotional and social balance.

Which mental health conditions benefit most from physical activity?

As Ana Isabel Sanz explains, “exercise It is one of the basic elements usually included in psychotherapy plans”. Taking the European Psychiatric Association as an example, physical activity should be part of treatment Serious mental health problems, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

However, The most studied issues in this area are depression and anxiety. However, as experts point out, attention deficit and different types of psychosis may also benefit.

Exercise stimulates neuronal plasticity, reduces inflammation in the nervous system, and blocks stress-induced cellular oxidation. All these impacts will contribute to Reduce symptoms of depression.

When it comes to anxiety, exercise is more than just a way to treat symptoms. This might also work as a precaution.

Are there risks with physical exercise?

Physical exercise brings us joy and makes us feel better. But an obsession with its practice or a pursuit of a specific body type can work against us. Unfortunately, Dr. Sands tells us“the present era is affected by certain personal conflicts centered on physical appearance”.

According to experts, “In some cases Emotional issues, we can never reach a state of sufficient satisfaction. You could even start an endless self-destructive race based on reaching the score on the scale.”. In this context, the pursuit of happiness through exercise is not only superficial, but also unhealthy. We risk being isolated and miserable. Instead of experiencing more happiness.

On the other hand, in competitive sports, mental health can also be at risk if a person does not know how to absorb setbacks. For psychiatrists, competition should, in fact, be an opportunity to develop the ability to cope with failure.

The key is Understand physical activity as another aspect of self-care. It must be a source of satisfaction, just like leisure or social relationships.

Physical exercise is a source of happiness and mental health

Quarantine measures due to the covid-19 pandemic significantly reduced Amount of physical activity. At the same time, feelings of distress, anxiety, and stress also increase. This combination is harmful to mental health.

The exercise shows that after restrictions end, As a protective factor and a way to regain joy and happiness. But its beneficial effects are not limited to overcoming forced isolation and its consequences.

“For many people” Analyzing Anna Isabel Sanz ”, “Exercise is a way to release workday tension, worry, anger and escape from the rhythm of daily life”. Physical exercise is an effective choice to enhance physical fitness, prevent diseases, and protect mental health.

Experts say that in addition to finding happiness, physical activity “It’s a way of existing that balances excessive focus on performance, excessive uncertainty, and high wear and tear.” This is why it cannot be considered an extra habit that needs to be put into practice. But as part of a lifestyle.

Exercise makes us happier, but it also gives us tools. Through regular practice we learn “Get up when you fall, don’t give up when encountering difficulties, reduce vulnerability and increase resilience », Dr. Sands concluded.

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