Phra Lap Takes Action Against Dengue Fever Outbreak: Mayor and Volunteers Join Forces to Combat Aedes Mosquitoes

2023-09-28 09:11:46

Phra Lap spreads carpets and sprays mosquitoes throughout the village. After discovering a patient with dengue fever in the community, “Phongthorn” ordered all risk areas to be strictly monitored for the spread, joining forces with village health volunteers to find at-risk groups and bring them to see a doctor immediately.

At 1:00 p.m. on September 28, 2023, Mr. Phongthon Phisaphitakkul The Mayor of Phra Lab Subdistrict along with Mr. Buntham Yokun, Deputy Prime Minister and Mr. Suksan Yokun, Director of Phra Kue Village No. 3, led officials. Village health volunteers and officials of the Public Health and Environment Division Spray medicine to kill Aedes mosquitoes and mosquito larvae. Inside the village of Ban Phra Kue following finding a dengue fever patient in the area. According to the coordination of Phra Lab Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital and the community in formulating a plan to monitor and prevent the spread of Aedes mosquitoes during this period.

Mr. Phongthon Phisaphitakkul The Mayor of Phra Lap Subdistrict said that the operation to suppress Aedes mosquitoes was launched. As soon as it was confirmed that a patient was infected with dengue fever It is a proactive operational plan. which the municipality will coordinate together Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospitals in the area, including Village Health Volunteers, Administrative Departments and District Public Health Offices in full and strict surveillance and prevention. Especially during this period, throughout Khon Kaen Province there is heavy rain falling continuously. The work of the municipality is in addition to preventing and dealing with flooding during this period. Still following the situation in the epidemic group as well. Especially dengue fever hand and foot disease and other water-borne diseases

“As soon as we were notified that there were dengue fever cases in the area. A joint working group from all parties will go to the area to screen, be careful, and thoroughly inspect the area to limit the area of ​​cattle as quickly as possible. The patient confirmed to be infected is now safe. And the family is closely looked following by the medical team as well. At the same time, there are still risky areas. Whether it is a temple, school or various community places. The municipality will go in and spray mosquitoes. and the immediate elimination of Aedes larvae.”


Mr. Phongthon added that During this period there is continuous rain falling. We ask that people in all areas follow the water situation and strictly maintain their own health. Especially with the elimination of breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes. in their own homes strictly every day However, if someone in the family is suspected of being infected, or have an illness Please hurry and coordinate with the municipality. Village health volunteers in the area will take them for treatment and diagnosis in a timely manner.

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