Images taken by Ingenuitythe NASA helicopter on Mars, show debris that the robot Perseverance left in its path when it landed on the red planet.
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These photos show the parachute and rear hull of the craft that landed on Mars on February 18, 2021.
The helicopter, which flew over the debris on April 19, took 10 photos from different angles, said the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
JPL concludes that the two pieces of landing gear did their job and maintains that the tools to land Perseverance on Mars held up well, despite the stresses that the craft underwent.
Thanks to these visuals, NASA can see the usefulness of the components so that other robots can land safely on the red planet.
The European Space Agency research team is working with the US station to develop the tools needed for a potential return to Earth of soil samples taken on Mars by Perserverance.
Remember that Quebecer Farah Alibay is at the controls of this little robot that walks on Mars.