2023-09-21 03:46:00
The five vice presidential candidates who will compete in the October 22 elections met this Wednesday in a television debatein which they exchanged strong accusations and presented their economic, security and justice proposals, among others.
Victoria Villarruel (Freedom Advances), Luis Petri (Together for Change), Agustín Rossi (Union for the Homeland), Florencio Randazzo (We do for Our Country) and Nicolás Del Caño (Frente de Izquierda) participated in the first vice debate on the channel TN.
In the midst of chicanery and spicy criticism, the running mates of the five presidential candidates argued for almost two hours, just over a month before the national elections.

Who accompanied the vice candidates
Accompanying Rossi were the head of national deputies of Unión por la Patria, German Martinez; the head of the senators, Jose Mayans; the heads of the CGT Héctor Daer and Carlos Acuña; the Minister of Labor, Raquel “Kelly” Olmos; the deputy and head of the Workers’ CTA, Hugo Yasky; and the head of La Bancaria, Sergio Palazzo.
In this framework, in the preview, Daer, Yasky, Palazzo and Martínez together with the former head of INADI, Victoria Dondaand the Buenos Aires legislator, Victoria Montenegrowere discussing the last session in Congress in which they gave half a sanction to the Income Tax reform.

The one who was isolated was the senator Jose Mayans. She even sat next to Marcela Pagano and Ramiro Marra both in the press room and in the studio.
The candidate for head of the Buenos Aires Government also attended for Villarruel, Ramiro Marra; and the candidates for national deputies Bertie Benegas Lynch and Marcela Pagano.

On the side of the radical Petri, the candidate for senator and head of the UCR of Buenos Aires approached the studios of the channel Todo Noticias (TN), Maximiliano Abad; and the mayor of Pinamar, Martin Yeza. There was also Bullrich’s press team and the deputy Laura Rodríguez Machado.
In dialogue with PERFIL, Yeza acknowledged that he expected an interesting debate, beyond the proposal of each space, he was looking forward to seeing the “contradiction” of Milei’s candidate: “It’s not liberal, it’s quite conservative.”. And he told the story of why he was so close chatting with Marra (who joked asking that they not take photos together because she was the chaste one: “I love him and that’s why I tell him”). “We have known each other since 2008, when I led the youth of Federal Peronism,” he said. In fact, the first note that was made to Yeza was precisely in the newspaper Perfil in 2010, before said space was dissolved.

Meanwhile, Randazzo went to the debate with the former national deputy Diego Bossio, who greeted friendly to UxP leaders like Donda and Rossi.
As for Del Caño, he was accompanied by the presidential candidate Myriam Bregman – the only presidential candidate who was present -, the former deputy Christian Castillo, the Secretary General of the Railway Union, Ruben Sobrero. They were the ones who harangued the most at the entrance to Del Caño’s TN studio. On his side, Bregman entered the press room taking Del Caño’s arm and making the joke. “We’re getting married tomorrow.”

The studio gallery was full of politicians, journalists and photographers. When the candidates greeted each other, Villarruel did not greet either Rossi or Del Caño. Before starting, Sergio Massa’s running mate joked by asking for a “blanket” for Florencio (Randazzo) who was complaining regarding the cold due to the air conditioning inside the studio.
Between each pause to rest for a few minutes and decompress the tension, the advisors entered, among whom there were no recognizable faces, only Myriam Bregman. Regarding the number of advisors, Rossi and Villarruel had three, while Petri and Del Caño had two each.

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