Phishing on the Rise: Google, Facebook, and Amazon Targeted by Cybercriminals in 2024

Phishing on the Rise: Google, Facebook, and Amazon Targeted by Cybercriminals in 2024

Ago 28, 2024 Stephen Silvestri
Attacks, Threats, News, Phishing, Technology, Vulnerabilities


Phishing is one of the cyber threats more widespread and dangerous that affect users and companies around the world. For it to be successful, Cybercriminals create perfect copies of legitimate websitesleading victims to believe they are dealing with authentic communication.

Despite growing awareness and sensitization campaigns, techniques are becoming more and more sophisticatedwhich explains why phishing continues to claim victims, with economic and reputational damage important.

Web giants are among the main targets of these attacks and, according to a new study conducted by Kaspersky of 25 leading global companies, in 2024 Google, Facebook e Amazon were the brands most frequently targeted by phishing attacks.

In 2024 the increase in attacks was in fact almost 1.5 times higher than the previous year.

The research found that in the first half of this year, users around the world have attempted to access fake resources that mimicked these brands nearly 26 million timesand increase of almost 40% compared to the same period in 2023.

Kaspersky experts attribute this sharp increase to increased aggressiveness by cybercriminals rather than to a decrease in user vigilance.

According to a study conducted by Kaspersky, Google, Facebook and Amazon were the brands most frequently targeted by phishing attacks in 2024.

Among the brands analyzed, Google was the most affected, with Over 4 million phishing attempts blocked from Kaspersky solutions. The following Facebookcon approximately 3.7 million attemptse Amazon with about 3 million.

Microsoft e DHL completing the top five with respectively 2.8 and 2.6 million attempts. Other brands like PayPal, Mastercard, Apple, Netflix e Instagram They are also among the top 10 favorite targets for cybercriminals to steal credentials and money in 2024.

The Attacks against Google increased by 243% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period the previous year, making Google a prime target for phishers. Mastercard saw a 210% increase in attempts to steal sensitive data and money, followed by Facebook and Netflix, both with a doubling of attacks.

Olga Svistunova, security expert at Kaspersky, explained that phishing against Google is particularly worrying because, by gaining access to a Gmail account, criminals can access a wide range of other servicesmaking Google a prime target.

Mastercard phishing, on the other hand, is increased in conjunction with the proliferation of fake online stores that simulate the sale of goods and accept payments with alleged Mastercard cards.

Despite the general increase, some brands have recorded a decline in clicks on phishing resources. Microsoftfor example, has seen a decrease in the incidence of these attacks, likely due to increased awareness in organizations. Even DHL has seen a similar decline, a phenomenon observed among several brands in the transportation and logistics sector.

Other brands, while not in the top 10, have seen a significant increase in attacks. HSBCfor example, recorded a eightfold increase up to 240,000 phishing attempts, and eBay has seen attacks triple, sexceeding 300,000 cases. Airbnb, American Express e LinkedIn recorded increases of 174%, 137% and 122% respectively.

For businesses, it is crucial to promptly identify whether their brand has been targeted by phishers. Kaspersky recommends regularly monitoring the brand’s online presence, informing customers through official channels, and promptly reporting any phishing attempts to the authorities.

These measures, combined with constant awareness of their users, can help reduce the effectiveness of these attacks and better protect sensitive data. The cybersecurity industry must therefore continue to evolve and innovate to face a threat that shows no signs of slowing down, keeping its guard high against an invisible but extremely dangerous enemy.

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