Philippe Signoret (Paris Squash 2024): Showing the public that squash can be viewed in 360°

2024-07-02 15:46:05

The French International Squash Championships Paris Squash 2024 will return to a new location in 2024: the tournament will be held from 15 to 21 September at the Cirque d’hiver in Paris, where double the number of spectators is expected. If the squash tournament was already scheduled for 2028, when it would become an Olympic year, tournament director Philippe Signoret would undoubtedly ignore 2024, counting on new partners to bring the event into Paris, national and international sporting circles.

Bruno Cammalleri: Why the move from the Palais de Tokyo to the Winter Circus?

Philippe Signoret: In fact, the big news this year is that we will be performing at the Cirque d’Hiver Bouglione. It is important for us to organize the competition in this location for the following reasons: taking into account the dates related to the Olympic Games from 15 to 21 September, it would be more interesting to hold it in a closed venue, considering an outdoor venue like the Palais des Nations . Soon the Buglione Winter Circus appeared in front of us. I happened to be there in 1983 at a tournament for under-19s at the time. The 1983 French Open was also held at this location. We had a lot of interest in the choice of venue.

Bruno Camalleri: What are its advantages?

Philippe Signoret: This is a place rich in history, both the big history of the era of Napoleon III and the small history full of anecdotes told to us by Thierry Bouglione. The old stable room with its horses is very eye-catching and will become our VIP room. Best of all, the glass squash court will be located in the middle of the track and elevated, allowing for 360° visibility.

Bruno Camalleri: How to do it better than the first version?

Philippe Signoret: Based on our feedback for 2023, the pure sports part went well and the audience was satisfied with the performances of the athletes. It was mutual, as during the awards ceremony the contestants admitted that they had rarely seen such enthusiasm from the public during the first round. It must be said that the French squash public has been frustrated for many years. In 2024 we will change the instrumentation! In 2023, our attendance will increase from over 700 spectators per show to 1,400 per show. Last year our 1/4, 1/2 and final tickets were sold out very early. In 2024, it will be a new challenge to at least complete these sessions. So we had to double the audience. Even if we don’t succeed this year, our overall goal is to show the public that squash can be viewed in 360 degrees. We’ve been communicating a lot regarding this, and we’re preparing 3D images to show the public what it will be like on site in September and encourage them to not necessarily orient themselves in traditional locations.

Bruno Camalleri: What tools do you use when it comes to communication?

Philippe Signoret: We started this campaign on social networks a long time ago, but we also did a lot of work on the 3D images of these courts and are now almost complete. The images will show the course in a very realistic way and show the landscape from different angles of the Cirque d’Hiver. This will be important to encourage people to come because we will be able to watch squash in a different way to normal, including from the front. Last year, with the configuration of the Palais de Tokyo, we were unable to watch the game head-on. This year we’re going to reach a peak and that’s going to change everything. So we will seek to capitalize on this vision, or rather, these visions.

Bruno Camarelli: Is this really a difficulty for Paris 2024 Squash with Paris 2024 being in the middle of the year?

Philippe Signoret: Yes, we know… squash will definitely become an Olympic sport, but that’s in 2028. We also have a responsibility to go into the clubs and let people know that this major event exists. To do this, we will rely on our network and club educators. We started a series of leaflet and poster campaigns in the club two weeks ago. I think our licensors are aware of it, but it turns out that 70% of the people who play squash are not licensed and we need to reach out to them and get them to come to our shows.

Bruno Camalleri: Can you introduce us to your partners for the 2024 edition?

Philippe Signoret: Yes, the partner group is regarding to be finalized. Starting in 2023, we have gained a large number of partners and have new sponsors. This year’s Olympics will not be easy. We are already almost looking forward to 2025 to revisit some of the brands we might have signed! Among our partners we have partners in the financial/insurance sector such as Coface, Necker Finance and Tailor Capital (financial investments), as well as partners in the energy sector such as Evole energy. We are delighted to continue our cooperation with the Machefert Group, which became a Platinum Partner last year. This is a large luxury hotel group with regarding ten hotels in Paris and Saint-Tropez. Institutional partners continue to follow us: Ministry of Sport, National Institute of Sport (ANS), Greater Paris Métropole, Île-de-France Region, Paris City Hall and the City Halls of 11 countriesth Borough. We are building and maintaining relationships with our partners, which is very important to us. Because we’re afraid other brands will ask us if we’d be better off skipping 2024… but taking a year off is never a good thing! It’s difficult, but we will get there, and it’s very important to get there in 2024.

Bruno Camalleri: How do we convince relevant brands that 2024 is not to be missed?

Philippe Signoret: Everyone knows that squash will not become an Olympic sport until following the Paris Olympics. We are still targeting 2024, with a lot of candor and energy to convince people that we have to be present this year, that we have to help us. Squash is becoming an Olympic sport and will become increasingly important from 2025 onwards. One step and will provide generous offers. We level the playing field with our partners and tell them they really need to help us this year!

Bruno Camalleri: Who will be the anchor this year?

Philippe Signoret: Sport en France has now been integrated into the Canal+ channel plan and is becoming increasingly known to the public. In 2023, we had over 400,000 viewers in the first three days of the 2023 event on France Sport. That really appealed to us and we trusted them throughout the broadcast this year.

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